You Plus Me Equals Three (Levi x Pregnant Reader)

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You were shocked when you figured out the reason for your nausea over the past several mornings. You and your husband hadn't been trying to conceive, but rather than feeling uneasy, you were actually delighted by this turn of events. After all, this was Levi's baby inside you. You loved him more than life itself, so how could you not also love the little miracle that the two of you had created together?

You wanted to do something special when you told Levi. Thus, after the two of you arrived home from working in your tea shop all day, you asked him to take a walk with you. There was a beautiful spot in the forest near your house from which you could watch the sun set, and it worked perfectly for this sort of thing. It was meaningful, given how much Levi loved the sky, and it was also private – which was a must, since you were certain that Levi would prefer to process this information without a bunch of eyes watching his reaction.

You sat down with Levi on a ledge – sitting, because you felt like he would need to sit anyway once he heard the news. Your fingers wove together with his, and you leaned your head on his shoulder, enjoying his closeness and warmth. As you both watched the sun dip below the horizon, bathing the world in countless breathtaking colors, you couldn't help but sigh contentedly. This was what you had fought for – the opportunity to enjoy a life of peace and beauty, with your husband right by your side.

When the sun was half gone, you murmured, "I have something to tell you."

"Oh?" Levi grumbled.

You bit your lip, feeling slightly nervous as you pulled back to look at him, to watch his reaction. With a tentative smile, you whispered, "I'm pregnant."

As soon as those two little words left your lips, you felt very glad that you had sat Levi down beforehand, because there was a very definite possibility that he would pass out. His eyes went as wide as you had ever seen anyone's go, and his body snapped into an unnatural stillness. He didn't seem to be breathing.

"...Levi?" you questioned, your nervousness growing, mingling with concern for him. Even with the sunset bathing him in an orange glow, he looked paler than usual. "You okay?"

You were starting to wonder whether you should slap him or call a doctor when finally, he sucked in a deep breath, seemingly starved for oxygen. "Y-yeah. Yeah. I just..." he stammered, clearly still in shock. He put a hand to his heart, as if it pained him.

"Take your time," you murmured encouragingly, rubbing the back of his other hand in a soothing motion. You felt too anxious to wait, but at the same time, you understood how much there was to process. After all, you yourself had been pretty blown away when you discovered your pregnancy – though admittedly, not to this extent.

Levi closed his eyes and took another breath, calming himself, gathering his thoughts. However, as soon as he got over the worst of the shock, his expression became tight. He opened his eyes, but his gaze remained on the ground, as if he were unable to look at you. He seemed almost...regretful.

The sun slipped below the horizon.

"(F/n), I'm s-sorry," Levi stuttered quietly. "It's my f-fault. Because of m-me, you h-have t-to..."

You realized what he was trying to say, and your heart melted. He was afraid that his actions had resulted in something you didn't want, that he had burdened you unfairly. However, while you weren't looking forward to the negative aspects of pregnancy, you were in no way upset over it.

"Oh, Levi," you cooed, squeezing his hand reassuringly and giving him a warm smile. "No. You have nothing to apologize for. This is a good thing. The fact that we're going to have a child makes me happy. So happy that I can't even describe it."

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