After Ever After (Husband Levi x Ex-Princess Reader)

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Author's Note: Thank you all for 3K likes!

"What are you doing?" you asked, the slightest hint of fear entering your voice. "Unhand me at once! I am your princess!"

But the guards – your guards – kept their iron-clad grip on your wrists, leading you out of your bedroom to an unknown location.

One of them glared at you with unconcealed hatred. "You're no princess. You're just a fake."

"Fake...?" you breathed, not understanding.

Despite your efforts, the guards didn't utter another word to you. Finally, you arrived in the lowest, coldest part of the castle, and you realized where you were going.

"Why are we in the dungeon?" you asked, a bit more fear seeping into your voice. However, you did your best to keep calm and appeal sensibly to the guards. "I have not done anything wrong. Please, let me see my father. This is all a mistake."

Just then, you heard your father's voice call out to you. Only...he was in a cell.

"Father!" you cried. You tried to run to him, but the guards tightened their grip, pulling you away. "Father! What's happening?" you yelled over your shoulder. "Why are they arresting us?"

Your father gazed at you with remorse in his eyes. His only words were, "I'm sorry."

The guards threw you in a cell and locked the door. Then the men who had kept you safe for your entire life left you in the dark, with unfamiliar faces watching you from between iron bars.

After several hours, you overheard the MP's muttering to one another – something about the Reiss family, and a military coup. But if the military was in charge...

You jumped to your feet, asking, "Did you just say that the military controls the government?"

The MP's flicked their eyes toward you, disgust evident on their faces. One of them grumbled, "Be quiet, girl. We don't answer to you anymore."

However, you weren't deterred. "Please," you said calmly. "Captain Levi is my husband. Can you at least tell me if he is alright?"

The MP who had spoken earlier scoffed. "As if we'd believe that. Humanity's Strongest Soldier, siding with traitors to humanity."

You still had no idea what they were talking about, but you didn't want to get Levi into any trouble. "Of course he isn't a traitor! He would never!" you insisted.

"Um, sir?" the other MP began. "The princess – that is, the fake princess – did marry Captain Levi some time ago. It was all over the papers."

His superior's brows shot up. "Is that so?" He rolled his eyes. "Hold on. I suppose I should tell someone about this."

You waited on pins and needles until the MP returned. "Well? Is Levi alright?" you asked as soon as he appeared.


"But I thought –"

"Hey, it's not my job to be your messenger," he snapped, interrupting you. "Just sit down and be quiet like a good little girl."

You gaped. A few days ago, no one would have dared to speak to you in such a rude, condescending tone. But clearly, the life you had known was gone.


Several days later, you sat silently in your cell. The MP's still hadn't told you anything, and you were starting to lose hope. After all, you knew the punishment for treason was death. While you hadn't done anything wrong, that didn't seem to matter to these people.

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