Aware (Oblivious Levi x Reader)

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"And that concludes today's meeting," Erwin stated, dismissing his subordinates as he rose from his seat. "Levi, would you stay behind for a minute?"

As the rest of the soldiers shuffled out, Levi made his way to where Erwin stood. Without being asked, Hanji joined them.

"Levi," Erwin began delicately, "do you, perhaps, ah..." The commander seemed unable to voice his thoughts, which was quite unlike him.

Levi's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What? Spit it out," he growled.

"Do you like Captain (l/n)?" Hanji blurted, a gleeful grin spreading across her face.

Did he like her? What a stupid question. Of course he liked (f/n). They had been friends for years. She was one of the very few people who didn't irritate him, and he actually enjoyed spending time with her.

Levi stared flatly at Hanji. "What are you talking about, Four-eyes?"

"As more than a friend," Erwin clarified.

Levi's gaze shot to the commander. "Of course not," he replied tersely. "Why would you say that?"

"Well, it's just that you two are always together..."

"We're friends," Levi muttered.

Hanji added, "And you touch her all the time."

Levi's glare intensified as he gaped at Hanji. "I...what?"

"Not like that," Hanji said, waving him off. "Just...casually, you know? Like how you put your hand on her shoulder when we were planning the expedition today."

"No I didn't," Levi growled, irritated that Hanji was wasting his time with her ridiculous imaginings.

"You did," Erwin stated.

Levi froze in shock. He could believe Hanji would make up something so stupid, but not Erwin.

But then, that would mean that he really...

"You pat her head a lot, too," Hanji remarked. "Do you really not notice?"

"I..." Levi stammered, trying to think back through all the time he had spent with (f/n). Now that he was concentrating on it, he could recall instances when he had patted her head or placed a hand on her shoulder. He had even hugged her once or twice, after she had done something reckless and almost gotten herself killed.

In the moment, he had done those things on instinct, without noticing. It just felt so natural, to be close to her. Yet, it was completely out of character for him. He never wanted anyone else to touch him, so why...?

"Levi," Erwin said, trying to break the news to him gently, "both Hanji and I think that you have feelings for Captain (l/n), though you may not realize it yourself."

Levi could only stare at him, still trying to process.

"It's perfectly fine if you do," Erwin continued. "You are of the same rank, so you wouldn't be breaking any rules."

"Plus, Erwin and I totally ship it!" Hanji squealed.

"Hanji, please," Erwin muttered, trying to calm her down. Then he turned back to Levi, clearing his throat. "It's completely up to you, of course. But as your friends, we thought you should be aware of your own feelings on the matter."

Levi clenched his teeth as he finally regained control of himself. "(F/n) and I are just friends," he hissed. Then he turned and stormed out the door.


"I brought tea," (f/n) chimed as she nudged his office door open with her foot.

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