Accident (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: I'm a little late, but thanks for 700K reads!

You awoke to the feeling of someone tossing and turning next to you in the bed. With a few groggy blinks, you propped yourself up on your elbows and looked down at Levi, who seemed to be in the clutches of another nightmare. Immediately, your sleepiness disappeared, replaced by worry. It was common for Levi to have nightmares, but the sight of his torment always made your heart ache. And tonight seemed worse than most.

Typically, you were alerted to Levi's distress by a soft whimper or cry. Or he would wake up before you did, and the motion of him jerking upright would be enough to pull you from sleep. However, he usually didn't thrash around like he was now. It was as if something was holding him down, and he was fighting desperately against it.

"Shh," you cooed. "Levi, you're having a nightmare. It's okay."

But he didn't stop.

You knew it was pointless to try to restrain his flailing limbs, and besides, physically confining him might only serve to worsen the nightmare. With a sigh, you reached down to place a calming hand on his cheek. "Sweetheart, wake up. Shh..."

You felt the impact before you realized what was happening. The pain came a split second later, blurring your vision as you were knocked to the side. For a prolonged moment, you stayed completely still. Shocked. Dazed.

Levi had hit you.

You knew that he hadn't intended to, of course. If he had been trying to hurt you, your cheekbone would be broken. And you had survived enough injuries during your time in the Scouts to know that it wasn't, judging by the severity of the pain.

Your subconscious sorted through all of this while your mind was still in a haze. The single thing you consciously processed was that Levi was still thrashing, still suffering.

You didn't care about the agony in your cheek. Your only thought was to help him.

"Levi, my love, come back to me."



It was happening again.

Levi thrashed against whatever invisible force held him back, but even with all his strength, he couldn't move. He couldn't reach his friends. He couldn't save them.

Instead, he was forced to watch as they were all devoured, one by one.

Isabel and Farlan. His squad. Hanji. Erwin. Even...

He fought harder, kicking and punching at the thing that imprisoned him. He had to rescue his friends. He had to. He had to.

Suddenly, he felt his fist connect with something, the impact ringing through his arm in a shockingly real sensation.

And then a voice.

"Levi, my love, come back to me."


"(F/n)?" Levi gasped as he bolted upright.

As soon as his eyes locked on you, his body went rigid. He saw how dazed you were, saw the beginnings of a bruise already forming on your cheek, saw the tears that pricked your eyes out of shock. And he knew.

The impact he had felt...he had hit you.

"Oh, God...(f/n)...I...I'm so sorry...I..." he stammered, his words punctuated by a string of hissed curses that he directed at himself. Hurting you was the last thing he ever wanted to do.

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