Massage (Levi x Reader)

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"I brought more paperwork," you chimed, setting the stack on your fellow squad leader's desk.

"Tch. They just keep piling it on, don't they?" Levi hissed. He flipped through a few pages, then asked, "Hey, what's this one? It's so messy that I can't even read it."

"Tha–tssss." You cut off with a quiet hiss, feeling an intense ache spread across your back as you bent over to look at the document. "That's Hanji's experiment report."

Levi's brow furrowed. "Something wrong, brat?" he grumbled.

You quickly stood up – suppressing another hiss – and smiled sheepishly. "It's nothing. My back is just a little sore from our joint training yesterday," you chimed, trying to sound like it wasn't a big deal.

Even though you were already considered an elite soldier, you couldn't shake that lingering urge to prove yourself to Levi. Granted, there wasn't much that could impress Humanity's Strongest, but at the very least, you figured you could show him that you were somewhat capable. Thus, you had toughed through the training exercises that he and the Special Ops Squad performed every day – despite the fact that your body was screaming at you the whole time. You didn't want Levi to think that you couldn't keep up.

Levi regarded you flatly, and you resisted the urge to squirm under his piercing gaze. He was always so stone-faced that it was impossible to figure out what he was thinking. Finally, he released a sigh, then stood up.

"Take off your jacket and gear, and lie down on your stomach," he muttered, jerking his chin toward the couch that sat in front of the fireplace.

You stilled, completely thrown off, and unsure of where he was going with this. "Um...okay, I guess," you murmured. After all, you and Levi had been friends for years, and you trusted that he would never do anything to harm you. "But...why?"

Strangely, he turned his face away from you, as if he couldn't hold your gaze. "Tch. Just do it," he hissed.

Still confused, you gave him a small nod before slowly shuffling over to the couch. You sat down, and after a moment's hesitation, you slid off your boots and gear. Then you lay on your stomach, folding your arms underneath the pillow. You turned your head to the side so that your face wasn't smushed, and asked, "Like this?"

"Yeah," Levi muttered as he made his way over. "Now, close your eyes."

Does he want me to take a nap or something? you wondered. All the same, you did as he instructed.

You heard Levi's footsteps come to a stop right next to you. You then felt a dip in the cushion as he sat down at your side. The couch was so small that his hip brushed against your own, but he didn't seem bothered by it, even though he generally didn't like to touch or be touched by anyone. For a few seconds afterward, he stayed completely still.

Then you felt his hands meet your shoulders.

The contact was light and hesitant, as if he wasn't sure what he was doing. You yourself had to wonder, because all you could tell was that his hands were making small, repetitive movements across your shoulder blades. It was almost like...wait, was he trying to give you a massage?

Well, it was...awkward, unfortunately. His touch was so faint that it felt more like a comforting rub than the firm, kneading strokes necessary to relieve your muscles. As you thought about it, you realized how strange it was that Levi was being so gentle. He didn't seem like the type, and in fact, his body was so powerful that he could easily break you like a toothpick. Perhaps he was overcorrecting?

The idea sent a flutter of warmth through your heart. The fact that he was erring on the side of being gentle, that he didn't want to hurt you...well, it was sweet.

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