Comfort (Levi x Reader)

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The Scouts had just returned from a particularly bad expedition. Many of your comrades lost their lives – the one small mercy being that you didn't lose anyone in your immediate squad. Still, the expedition had taken its toll, both physically and emotionally. Your own wounds were minor – just a few scrapes and bruises – so you were helping those who were more seriously injured. At the moment, you and Eld were supporting Petra on her walk to the infirmary, since she most likely had a broken ankle. You expected to have your captain following you, but when your squad entered the castle, he turned toward his office instead.

Stopping to stare after him, you asked, "Hey, Oluo, take over for me, will you?" Oluo eagerly complied, all too happy to help an injured Petra. (Honestly, how did she not see that he was head-over-heels for her?)

Once you handed Petra over, you hurried to catch up with your captain. "Sir?" you asked.

Levi stopped walking and looked over his shoulder at you. Although his grey-blue gaze was still sharp, it was also laced with exhaustion.

"Aren't you going to the infirmary?" you continued. "With wounds like that, you really should see a medic."

Levi had cuts all over his body, and he was limping. Yet, he only said, "There are people who need it more, (l/n). I'll be fine." With that, he resumed walking to his office.

"Wait," you called, rushing after him. Again, Levi halted and glanced at you. "At least let me help with those," you said, gesturing to his injuries. It was true that the infirmary was overwhelmed, but it would be difficult for him to deal with his wounds alone.

Levi sighed inaudibly, and his gaze fell to the floor. After a moment, he breathed, "Okay."

Walls, he really was exhausted.


The two of you went to Levi's bedroom. You shrugged off your jacket, grabbed the first aid kit, and began attending to his wounds while Levi sat on the bed. You started with the various gashes that covered his entire body – so much so that Levi had to strip down to his underwear so you could get to them all.

"Thank you, (f/n)," he whispered. Things were more informal when you were alone. A lot more, in fact, as the two of you were dating. You kept it a secret, though, so no one would think your captain showed you favoritism because of his feelings for you.

"Anytime," you whispered back as you applied antiseptic to his wounds. It was an effort not to ogle his toned chest and abs. Despite the fact that he was your boyfriend, now really wasn't the time for it. Instead, you focused on how much it pained you to see him hurt like this, and not just physically.

Levi had tried so hard to protect his comrades. That was how he got these wounds. However, even Humanity's Strongest Soldier couldn't save everyone. You knew how heavily the guilt weighed on him, even though it wasn't his fault. Deep down, he knew it wasn't, but he was sorry anyway. Most people thought that Levi was cold and heartless, but he really cared deeply for his comrades, probably more than anyone. He was just too strong to break in front of them.

Here, though, where it was just the two of you, Levi didn't have to be strong. He sat in weary silence as you finished bandaging his cuts and examined the leg he had been limping on. All the while, you could feel him slipping deeper into his remorse, but you didn't know what you could say to make him feel better. Several times, you met his gaze, trying to find the right words, but they wouldn't come.

When you were finished, you reached up from where you knelt on the floor and brushed your fingers through his hair. Walls, you wished there was something you could say to comfort him, but no words seemed good enough. Instead, you simply tried to convey that you were there. That you understood. That you cared.

You packed up the first aid kit and stood to put it away. However, as soon as you stepped toward the cabinet, you felt Levi's hand wrap around your wrist. You turned to find him staring at you with an emotion you couldn't place. You opened your mouth to ask what he wanted, but the words caught in your throat. Speech suddenly felt foreign as you looked into his eyes.

Silently, Levi stood. He took the first aid kit from you and set it aside. Then he faced you, his gaze holding yours for a long moment before his eyes dipped down. His hands gripped the hem of your shirt and gently lifted it upward.

You allowed Levi to pull the soft fabric up over your head. He dropped it on the ground, and his eyes met yours once more, filled with that same unknown emotion.

You still couldn't tell what he wanted. Despite what taking off your shirt would suggest, you didn't think he was trying to sleep with you. Beyond that, you weren't sure. However, you felt no need to ask. You trusted Levi. You loved him, and you couldn't bear to see him in pain, as he was now. So you resolved to let him do whatever he wanted, to give him whatever comfort he needed.

Levi slowly unbuttoned your pants and slid them down your legs. You stepped out, leaving yourself in nothing but your bra and underwear. You weren't embarrassed, though. After attending to so many of your injuries over the years, Levi had seen all of you by now.

Levi's eyes met yours one final time before he stepped into you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he laid his head on your chest. You instinctively folded your arms around him, accepting. So this is what he wanted – to hold you close and feel your skin and hear your heartbeat. To know that he wasn't alone in this hell.

After a moment, your breaths fell into sync. It was incredibly calming – standing together in this empty, quiet space. Feeling the warmth of his scarred, calloused skin against your own.

You hoped that Levi was equally as comforted as you were.

You didn't know how long you stayed there, whether it was minutes or hours. Eventually, you noticed that Levi's eyelids were starting to droop. You gently petted his head and murmured, "Ready to go to sleep?"

He nodded against your chest. Levi delicately untangled himself from you and took your hand, staying as close as possible while you two crossed the short distance to the bed. You pulled back the sheets for Levi, motioning for him to lie down. Then you followed him under the covers.

However, as soon as you had snuggled into bed, Levi pushed up on his forearms to look down at you. This time, when his eyes met yours, you could tell what was in them. Amongst all the sadness and guilt he was feeling, there was also gratitude.

You gave him a small smile in reply. Then you reached up to cup his face in your hand, lightly stroking your thumb along his cheekbone. He closed his eyes and leaned into your palm, savoring your touch.

You gently pulled him down to you. The two of you wrapped around each other until you were a mirror image of how you had been standing just a few minutes ago. It wasn't long before Levi fell asleep to the sound of your heart beating.

You smiled softly to yourself, glad that you were able to give him some measure of comfort, even though you hadn't spoken a word. However, tonight had shown you that sometimes, the most comforting thing was simply to be reassured that you weren't alone. 

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