Hide-and-Read (Levi x Bookworm Reader)

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You had gotten up before sunrise so you could rush to the bookshop and get the newest installment of your favorite series as soon as it was released. You started reading immediately after arriving back at Headquarters, going so far as to miss breakfast so you didn't have to pause your book. You turned page after page in absolute awe, your eyes drinking in the words, never wanting it to end.

Suddenly, Captain Levi barged into your room. That terrifying scene was enough to yank you out of the story, and you jerked your head up, eyes wide.

"C-Captain..." you sputtered.

"Are you deaf, (l/n)?" Levi growled. "I've been knocking on your door for two minutes straight."

"Oh, sorry," you mumbled sheepishly. "I didn't hear you. I was reading." You tentatively held up the book in your hands to show him.

Levi rolled his eyes. "Tch. I don't care. You're late for training, so hurry up and get to the stables."

"Sorry, sir," you said hastily. "I'll be there right away." Despite your words, you made no move to set your book aside or rise from your chair.

If it were any other officer, they probably would have expected you to stand and salute. However, Levi was rather informal, so he didn't mind. He merely leveled his gaze at you and said, "Don't make me tell you twice, brat. Understood?"

You nodded vigorously. Without another word, Levi turned on his heel and left, shutting the door behind him.

As soon as Levi was gone, you jumped up. However, you didn't head to the stables, as you had promised. You simply couldn't focus on training until you had finished your book. Yet, you knew that if you didn't show up soon, Levi would return and drag you down there, so you had to find someplace to hide.

You weren't stupid. You knew you couldn't avoid Levi forever, and you would be in so, so much trouble once this was all over. In fact, you were probably committing suicide by directly disobeying him. However, none of that mattered to you, as long as you got to finish your book first.


You were huddled in the broom closet on the fourth floor, wrapped in a blanket. Just enough light ebbed in through the crack in the door for you to read by. You had been here for hours, and parts of your body had started to go numb from the uncomfortable position, but you didn't mind. You were too absorbed in your book.

You picked this spot specifically because Levi had cleaned the entire fourth floor yesterday. You were certain that his attention would be elsewhere today, and thus, he was unlikely to open this particular closet.

However, your heart dropped into your stomach when you heard Hanji ask, "Did you lose something, Levi?" Her voice sounded like it was at the other end of the hallway, but it was getting closer.

"I'm looking for (l/n)," Levi muttered. Icy rage coated his words.

"...In the closets?" Hanji asked hesitantly.

Oh God. In a few moments, Levi would open that door and find you. There was no way out. Think, think, think...

Levi yanked the door open, and was immediately met by your blanket in his face. He growled and ripped at it furiously, while you darted past him and sprinted down the hall like your life depended on it – which it did.

"(L/N)!" Levi screamed, that one word promising a slow and painful death.

Your fear gave you an extra burst of speed, but even so, you couldn't outrun Levi for long. You needed a new hiding place.

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