Exposed (Stripper Levi x Student Reader AU)

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"Hey, how'd you do on that test?" you asked your boyfriend, Levi, while the two of you shuffled out of Calculus with the rest of your classmates.

Wordlessly, he held up his paper to show you, and a small, dismayed gasp escaped your lips. "A ninety-eight? Barnacles, I was sure I'd beat you this time."

"Keep trying, brat," he muttered flatly, ruffling your hair in his affectionate way. "And learn some real curse words while you're at it."

Somehow, no matter how hard you studied, Levi always managed to outscore you by just a few points in every subject. Actually, he received the highest scores of anyone, except when Hanji occasionally beat him in Biology. In your eyes, it wasn't fair that he was blessed with both brains and a godlike physique. However, after reminding yourself that this perfect being was your boyfriend, you couldn't be too upset about it.

"Anyway, since we both got good scores, why don't we go celebrate?" you suggested. "We could grab dinner at that taco place."

Levi glanced away, a flash of remorse in his typically stoic eyes. "I can't," he stated. "I have to work."

"Again?" you pouted.

Levi's parents had died in a car accident when he was young, and after his uncle abandoned him on the day of high school graduation, Levi didn't have anyone to help pay for college. Thus, he worked the night shift at a warehouse nearby. From what you'd heard, the job paid well, but the schedule didn't allow Levi to have much of a social life. Actually, it didn't allow for much sleep either, and you perpetually felt a twinge of worry at the dark circles that had made their home underneath his gorgeous eyes.

However, the whole thing wasn't Levi's fault, and you didn't want to make him feel guilty when you knew he would rather be hanging out with you. Thus, you quickly put on a smile and amended, "Well, there's no getting around that, I suppose. Rain check?"

Levi's eyes flicked to yours, showing a hint of gratitude for your understanding. "Yeah. Sounds like a plan."


With Levi at work tonight, you had nothing better to do than return to your small studio apartment and study. Sitting on your floor with a cup of tea and your materials spread out around you, you actually felt like you were making some progress. However, just as night fell, your energetic friend and neighbor knocked on your door, yanking you away from your Linguistics textbook.

"Hey, (f/n)! Are you busy? No? Good!" Hanji chimed without bothering to wait for your response. "We're going downtown tonight! I have a marvelous surprise for you!"

"I don't know," you uttered hesitantly as you backed toward your study materials, recalling how Hanji's last surprise had ended with the melting of your favorite shoes. "I have a lot of homework..."

"Come on! You'll love it!" she insisted, cackling in a rather unsettling manner as she dragged you toward the door.

There was no resisting Hanji when she was this insistent. Thus, resigning yourself to your fate, you slipped on your shoes and jacket before following her outside. The two of you caught a bus downtown, then walked a few more blocks through the chilly nighttime air. Finally, the brunette announced that you had arrived.

You stopped dead when you read the sign on the building. " this a strip club?"

"Sure is!" she chimed – sounding far too happy, in your opinion.

"Oh no, I can't..." you muttered nervously as you backed away. "Besides, you know I have a boyfriend –"

"It'll be alright, (f/n)," Hanji assured you as she grabbed your arm, pulling you along beside her. "He can't fault you for the surprise I have planned."

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