Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Levi x Childhood Friend Reader)

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"Say, Levi, I'm hungry," Hanji grumbled. "Can we stop in this bakery?"


Hanji had been dragging him through the city all morning, prattling on about titans while they shopped for supplies. Normally, Moblit would be the one accompanying her, but he was sick today, and letting Hanji run around unsupervised was a bad idea no matter how you looked at it. So, here he was.

They entered the bakery, and immediately they were greeted with the pleasant aroma of various breads and pastries. Customers occupied the few tables that were crammed into the small shop, but they didn't seem to mind the closeness. They were chatting away, enjoying whatever treat or hot drink they held in their hand.

Levi followed Hanji to the counter, standing back while she ogled the food in the glass case.

"What can I get for you, miss?" the woman behind the register asked.

"A blueberry muffin, please!" Hanji chimed.

"And for you, sir?"

"Nothing," Levi muttered as he turned to face the woman. "I'm just –"

He stopped abruptly when his eyes met hers.

It had been decades since he last saw her. They had both been children then, and she had certainly grown up. But there was no mistaking those stunning, (e/c) eyes.

"(F/n)?" he breathed.

She froze, gaping at him for a moment. Then, "Levi?"

Hanji glanced back and forth between the two. "Hey, do you know each other?" she asked.

"Since we were kids," Levi mumbled, stepping past her in order to get closer to (f/n).

She had been his first real friend. Levi had met her shortly after Kenny had taken him in. For years, they played together in the filthy streets of the Underground City. Then one day, she had disappeared without a trace.

"This is such a surprise," (f/n) gasped. Then she smiled softly. "It's good to see you."

"Likewise," he replied, still shocked at running into her. "What are you doing here?"


Just then, a few more customers entered the shop. (F/n) glanced at them, then back to Levi. "It's kind of a long story. But I get off at eight, if you want to..." She trailed off, unsure if he would be willing. Yes, they had been great friends years ago, but who knew what had changed since then?

However, Levi nodded without hesitation. "I'll be here."

(F/n) smiled again. "Okay. See you then. Oh!" She whirled to the case and put two muffins in a bag. "Here you go!" she chimed, handing the bag to Hanji. "On the house."

"Gee, thanks!" Hanji exclaimed, grasping the bag eagerly. "You have great taste in friends, Levi!"

(F/n) giggled, but Levi only rolled his eyes. He dragged Hanji from the shop so that (f/n) could focus on her work. Truthfully, he didn't want to leave so soon after finding her again, but he placated himself with the knowledge that he would learn everything tonight.


After the last customers had left, you cleaned up the store as quickly as possible. You couldn't wait to meet Levi. However, you were also a little anxious. What if he didn't show?

Yet, your worries proved unnecessary, because when you stepped outside the bakery at exactly eight o'clock, Levi was waiting for you.

"Hi," you muttered, giving him a sheepish grin.

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