Call Your Name (Levi x Grieving Reader)

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Author's Note: I would like to take this opportunity to say "happy birthday" and "thank you" to 14th Scout Commander Hanji Zoe. If you know, you know.

The expedition was finally over, and by luck or skill, you had managed to make it back alive once again. You were looking forward to the week-long leave that everyone received as a reward after being outside the Walls. Getting to spend so much time at home with your husband was a blessing.

Just as you finished locking your horse in its stall, Levi found you.

"Ready to go, brat?" he asked.

You smiled, elated by the prospect of having him to yourself for a whole week. You and Levi had only recently been married, but because of your busy lives as soldiers, you had hardly been able to spend any time together. "Almost. I just want to say goodbye to my sister first," you chimed.

Levi followed you while you sought out your sister. You searched and searched, but you couldn't find her anywhere. However, you did find her squad leader. Or rather, he found you.

With a grim expression, he placed a neatly folded cloak into your hands. It was the only thing they had been able to save. "I'm sorry," he muttered.

For a moment, you stared at that cloak, not comprehending.

"She was brave," the squad leader assured you gently. "I couldn't have asked for a better soldier."

You blinked. Ever so slowly, the terrible reality started to sink in. Your little sister, the girl you had loved like a daughter and a best friend...she was never coming back.

"(F/n)?" Levi murmured, concern filling his eyes.

You couldn't break. Not here. Not now. You were a soldier, and you had to stay strong, no matter how great your pain was.

Steeling yourself, you looked the squad leader in the eye and stated, "My sister was always very proud to serve under you. I know you did everything you could. Thank you."

Without another word, you turned and walked away.


You spent the entire ride home in silence, clutching that cloak to your chest. Levi kept casting worried glances at you, but you didn't notice. You were too numb to notice anything at all.

When you finally arrived home, you slipped off your shoes and walked straight to the bedroom. Levi followed you and caught your wrist, causing you to look at him.

"(F/n)," he began delicately, "are you...alright?"

You gently removed yourself from his grip. "I'm fine," you stated, forcing a smile. "You don't have to worry about me."

Levi's brow furrowed in concern. "Are you sure?" he prodded. "I just –"

"I'm fine," you repeated. "Really."

Levi sighed, then tried again. "(F/n)..."

But you had already headed off to shower.

Immediately afterward, you slipped into bed. Levi joined you, and you turned away so he wouldn't see you staring off into nothing, your mind still numb. You barely registered when his arms slid around you, holding you close to his chest. You just kept staring, and staring, until your physical exhaustion finally pulled you into a deep slumber.


In the days that followed, Levi kept hovering around you, knowing that you had to be in pain but not knowing what to do about it. It didn't help that you wouldn't talk to him, that you insisted everything was fine. You were fine. You were fine.

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