Make It Official (Levi x Reader)

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A few months after reclaiming Wall Maria, the remaining Scouts took a day to help out at Queen Historia's orphanage. It involved a lot of manual labor, but it was fun. And the best part was that you got to spend the entire day with your boyfriend, Levi.

The children followed you and your comrades all over the estate as you worked. Occasionally, they would tackle the male soldiers to the ground, or ask for stories from the female soldiers. But mostly, they just bombarded you all with questions. And because they were children, their questions were quite...creative.

At the end of the day, you each hauled a basket of vegetables into the kitchen for dinner. The conversation turned to how Jean's mother would always cook food for him, and before you knew it, the children were suddenly asking about everyone's family.

Oh no. You could see how this would go south very quickly. You tried to think of a way to redirect the conversation, but you weren't fast enough.

Standing at the edge of the room, the smallest girl looked up at Levi and asked, "Where's your family?"

Levi's blink was the only sign that he was caught off-guard. "I don't –"

You didn't know why you did it, but you slid up next to Levi and took his hand. "I'm his family," you chimed, smiling sweetly at the child.

She smiled back, satisfied with your answer.

Then you raised your voice so the whole group could hear. "Hey, who wants to see who can make the best stew? I bet the girls will win!"

And because children love boys-versus-girls games, they completely forgot about the topic of family and went on to cheering for their respective teams.

You spent the next few minutes herding everyone around the kitchen and assigning jobs. However, before you could get to work yourself, a pair of strong arms wrapped around you from behind.

"The brats can cook dinner," Levi whispered into your ear. "Watch the sunset with me?"

Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as his breath warmed your sensitive skin. Even though you two had been together for years, the effect Levi had on you never diminished.

"Okay," you replied, and you both slipped out of the kitchen, unnoticed.


You sat between Levi's legs, leaning back against his muscular chest. His arms were once again wrapped around your waist. The two of you perched on a tall hill, which provided a breathtaking view as the sun set on the fields below.

"Hey, (f/n)," Levi began quietly, "about what you said earlier..."

When Levi didn't finish the sentence, you asked, "What do you mean?" Your attention remained forward as you admired the sunset.

" being family."

Your cheeks flushed. Back then, you had acted on impulse, wanting to spare Levi from any discomfort or pain. Of course, you had meant what you said. To you, Levi was family. But you also knew that Levi was more guarded than most, and you didn't want to push things to far, in case he wasn't ready. "Sorry," you murmured. "I suppose that was presumptuous – "

"No," he interrupted gently. "It wasn't. I do think of you as my family, (f/n), and I...I'd like to make it official."

You turned your head to face him, your body shifting slightly in his arms. "Official?" you asked. Your brow furrowed in confusion.

You saw his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. Then he whispered, almost inaudibly, "Marry me?"

Levi's expression remained stoic as he said it, but you could feel his heart beating wildly beneath his chest.

Your eyes widened in shock. "Really?" you breathed, hardly daring to believe it.

Levi averted his gaze. "I understand if you don't want to..."

"Are you kidding? Of course I want to!" you said hastily, grinning from ear to ear. You were so happy that you didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Levi glanced back at you with a stunned expression, as if he couldn't believe what you were saying. Before he knew what was happening, you had taken his face in your hands and kissed him.

"Yes," you whispered as you pressed kisses to his nose, his cheeks, anywhere you could see. "Yes, yes, yes."

You pulled back to look at him – the love of your life, now your fiancé. "I will marry you, Levi."

Levi's expression softened, and he smiled – one of those rare, precious smiles, only for you. "Thank God," he muttered in relief, stroking your cheek with his thumb.

Then you were laughing, and he was laughing. That deep, rumbling sound was so intoxicating that you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. The force of your embrace caused Levi to fall backward, taking you down with him.

You pulled back ever so slightly and gazed at him, catching your breath after the fall knocked it out of you. Then both of you were laughing again, and Levi pulled you down for another kiss.

He pressed his lips tenderly to yours, conveying all the love that he felt for you – again, and again, and again. Some kisses were quick and light, while others were long and passionate. His hands leisurely roved your back, your sides, sparking electricity in their wake. Occasionally, he would stop to just look at you, as if you were the most precious thing in the world. And you loved it – him kissing and holding you like this. With each of his soft touches, something seemed to whisper, "Welcome home."

You stayed that way, smiling and laughing and kissing, until the sun was long gone and the stars graced the night sky. If this was going to be the rest of your life, you really could get used to it. 

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