Free (Disabled Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This story contains spoilers for the end of the manga. I'll publish another "happy ending" story that everyone can read, but I really just needed to get my feelings from the canon ending out first. I've been following the series for about seven years, and now that it's over, there's this small, empty spot inside me, because it's hard to say goodbye to something you've been so passionately invested in. I imagine that a lot of you feel the same way. 

The doctors tried their hardest, but there was only so much they could do for the bite wound on Levi's leg. It was sad, really, because even with his missing fingers, ravaged face, and only one working eye, he still could have remained autonomous. But the damage to his leg pushed things over the edge. Humanity's Strongest Soldier would now be bound to a wheelchair – if he was lucky, for several years; if he wasn't, for the rest of his life.

Queen Historia had offered to pay for the best nurses in the world, but Levi refused them all. It wasn't hard to figure out why. Having strangers in his home, seeing his weakness, touching his maimed leg...having to be dependent on those strangers for even the most basic of tasks, like showering, or going to the must have been awful – especially for someone who had spent his life hiding every vulnerability, because being strong was the only way he could survive.

However, when you offered...

Levi seemed embarrassed – though he tried to hide it behind a mask of annoyance – but not opposed to the idea. After all, you weren't a stranger. You were his comrade of many years, his friend, and you had fought through the same war he had. You understood what it was like. And unlike all those doctors and nurses and caretakers, you knew better than to pity him. You knew how much he would hate it.

So, quietly, without meeting your eyes...Levi had accepted. And that was that.

After Levi got out of the hospital, the two of you moved into a small, secluded cottage on the outskirts of a bustling town where the majority of your surviving comrades lived. Your new home came with just enough room for the two of you, and you found it quite cozy. Its size also meant that there was less to clean – which was good, because with Levi being basically unable to stand, you had to take care of almost everything yourself.

The arrangement was especially awkward while his leg was still in a cast, and you had to help him bathe so that it wouldn't get wet. Of course, it must have been a thousand percent worse for him, since he was the one who was actually naked. You often wondered if he would have felt more comfortable with a male nurse, or even one of your male comrades. However, as embarrassed as he seemed, he insisted that he wouldn't want anyone else. So, you got over yourself and did what you had to. You also tried not to let your mind linger on what a masterpiece Levi's body was.

After the cast came off, you helped him through his exercises and massaged his leg every day, so that his muscles wouldn't atrophy. It was also an attempt to get him walking on his own again, eventually. Even though the chances of that happening were slim, you knew that if anyone could do it, he could. Plus, if he wanted to try, then you wanted to support him by any means within your power. Levi was a hero, and a good man. A very, very good man. He didn't deserve to spend the rest of his life in a chair.

At times, you had to hide how strange the situation felt for you. Before, the most Levi had ever let you do for him was making a cup of tea. But now, he didn't put up a fight, didn't insist that he could do it himself. Even when you were helping with his physical therapy and had to touch him – which he never, ever let anyone do – he just...went along with it.

He handled everything relatively well, considering. You would have sobbed if you were told that you likely wouldn't walk again, but Levi never shed a tear. In fact, aside from the small signs of embarrassment when you had to help him with every little thing, he remained as stoic as ever.

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