Show and Tell (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This was updated on 8/12/20. I hope you enjoy the new-and-improved version!

Once again, you sat in your captain's office, helping him fill out the routine post-expedition paperwork. You didn't think it was fair that he should have to do all this alone, especially when he was just as exhausted as the rest of you. And usually, you didn't mind, because being with Levi made the time more enjoyable.

However, tonight, Levi hadn't uttered a single word to you. While he typically didn't say much, this silence was odd, even for him. You also noticed, as you discretely stole glances at him, that he didn't seem to really be focused on his paperwork either.

You couldn't think of any explanation for why Levi might be acting this way. You considered asking him outright, but then again, maybe you were overthinking things. You were hypersensitive to Levi, and had been for a while now – ever since you realized you were in love with him.

Of course, you kept your feelings hidden, knowing that Levi wasn't interested in a romantic relationship with anyone. He had good reasons for it, and you didn't blame him. Rather than make things awkward, you decided to try just being content with his friendship. After all, that was the most you would ever get. It would have to be enough.

You worked in silence until the last of the documents was signed. As you stood to leave, you bid Levi goodnight, and although he nodded in acknowledgement, he still didn't speak to or look at you. Something was definitely up. Sure, he behaved like this with most people, but not with you.

You got halfway across the room before you finally decided to say something. "Um, Levi..." you began hesitantly, turning to face him. "Is something wrong? You seem a"

Levi went rigid, keeping his eyes glued to the desk in front of him. He remained silent for so long that you thought he wasn't planning to answer you. But finally, he replied, "What you did today...don't ever do it again." His voice was quiet, restrained, like the calm before a storm.

"What I...did?" you breathed, mentally replaying your actions during the expedition. You couldn't think of anything that you had done wrong. You had followed every order, fought to the best of your ability. So why was Levi upset with you?

Levi scoffed, then turned his face away. His brows were drawn tightly together as he glared at the ground. "Throwing yourself in front of the wagons like that," he hissed. "You're lucky Petra was there, or else you would have gotten yourself killed."

"But, Levi..." you muttered, confused. It was standard procedure for everyone to defend the wagons, regardless of personal risk. Without your swift actions today, those wagons would have been trampled. "It's our duty to protect the wagons. We need those supplies to establish bases and replenish our gear. Without them, the mission would fail. I can't just stand by and let titans –"

"Dammit, (f/n)!" Levi yelled, shooting to his feet as he slammed his hands on the desk, making you jump. He quickly crossed room, stopping right in front of you as he continued, "Don't give me that crap about 'duty'! What you did was reckless and stupid, and you're not to do it again! Understood?"

Tears formed in your eyes at his harsh words. Beyond being in love with Levi, you looked up to him as your captain and Humanity's Strongest Soldier. To hear that he thought so little of your actions today felt like a punch to the gut. You dropped your gaze to the floor, ashamed. "I'm sorry, sir," you bit out, trying but failing to keep your voice even. "I didn't mean to disappoint you. I'll work harder."

For a moment, the silence stretched heavily between you. Then Levi sighed softly, and you heard the sound of his footsteps moving away from you. You kept your eyes on the floor, unable to look at him as teardrops slipped slowly down your cheeks. You only glanced up when you heard him sink down onto the couch. His elbows rested on his knees, his face in his hands.

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