Go for the Throat (Insecure Levi x Reader)

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"Well, now that the princess is here, I guess we can finally leave," Eld chimed playfully.

You smacked him on the arm. "Stop it," you quipped. "You're just jealous because I'm prettier than you."

Eld placed a hand over his heart, faking humility. "You got me."

Of course, what Eld and the rest of your squad were actually referring to when they called you a "princess" was the fine sundress and expertly styled hair that you wore on your days off. Those things didn't seem very impressive to you, but then again, you had grown up with them. As for the elegant hairstyles, you had been practicing them for your entire life, so by this point, they were quick and easy. It wasn't like you were trying to get dolled-up.

You had been born into a noble family, and you had lived in their world of pretty dresses and extravagant parties until you decided to enlist in the military. Yet, even though you were now a Scout, the social skills didn't go away, so you were still more or less accepted in high society. You knew the right clothes to wear, the right way to speak, the right way to hold your spoon. And when someone did throw out a veiled insult about your career as a soldier, you were quick to reply with a witty remark of your own.

However, here, with your comrades, it was an entirely different atmosphere. They joked about your noble heritage, but it was never malicious. Quite the opposite, in fact – they messed around with you because you were one of them. You weren't snobby or demanding, but rather, you behaved like a normal person, and you worked just as hard as anyone else. They had nothing but respect and affection for you.

"Oi, if you brats are done horsing around, we should get going," your captain snapped.

The rest of your squad giggled sheepishly, a chorus of "sorry, Captain" being uttered throughout the room. Levi may have come across as harsh, but you all knew that he wasn't truly angry. In fact, he cared deeply about his subordinates, though he didn't often show it.

"Good morning, Captain," you murmured cheerfully, stepping up beside the stoic man while your comrades were busy chatting as they bustled out the front door.

"Morning, (f/n)," Levi uttered flatly. However, you knew him well enough by now to see past that stoicism. He was actually glad that you had come over to chat with him, glad for that small human interaction with a trusted comrade. Given his reputation as someone who was cold, hostile, and probably insane, most people were too intimidated to get near him – afraid that he would snap and give them extra cleaning duties, or beat them to a pulp. But the real Levi wasn't quite so heartless.

In fact, he was rather admirable in your eyes – for his strength, his courage, his compassion, and about a billion other things. Thus, it came as no surprise when you fell in love with him shortly after joining his squad, and that love grew deeper every day. However, antithetical to your direct personality, you kept your feelings to yourself, afraid that it would make things awkward if he didn't like you back. So – for now, at least – you contented yourself with simply being close to him.

As the last of your squadmates filed through the door, Levi nodded his head in that direction. "After you."

"Thanks!" you chimed, stepping outside, with Levi following closely.

Typically, protocol would dictate that all of you walked behind your captain. However, things were more relaxed today. You were staying at the Sina barracks for a military ceremony that would take place in Mitras, but it wasn't until this evening, so you had a whole day to spend as you pleased. Your squadmates had decided to visit one of the impressive markets in Sina, and – after much convincing – Levi agreed to tag along, muttering that he "had nothing better to do, anyway".

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