Risk It All (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: It has been a while since I promised you a reverse version of "Protecting Each Other" (over two months, actually). I wanted to make sure I handled it properly, because it is such a delicate subject, and for the longest time, it just wasn't there. But, after several rewrites, I've finally got it! And it's really long.

Same warnings as the other version – unwanted touching, consensual touching, lots of sauciness, but no smut.

The public was well aware of the grand, luxurious parties thrown by the upper class – the ones where they took turns filling their ballrooms with stiffly dressed, well-mannered lords and ladies, all chatting and dancing politely. However, there was another type of party that the rich and powerful liked to stage – one that was kept strictly confidential, because it would have revealed that they were just as depraved as the low-class sinners in the Underground City. Unlike their counterparts, these parties took place in the dark, with lots of masked faces and sultry clothing and unspoken indulgences. This was the filthy underbelly of society's elite, and your commander had ordered you straight into the thick of it.

Apparently, one of the merchants here had information that the Scouts needed desperately. Commander Erwin had tried all other avenues of getting it – bribery, theft – but to no avail. Thus, he had turned to you, because you just happened to be the merchant's type.

You were beyond uncomfortable with the mission. You had hardly even kissed anyone before – just once, when you were a child and merely got curious – but now, you were expected to seduce this man, to go as far as necessary to get the information out of him. Not only were you uncomfortable – you were terrified. Yet, Erwin made such a compelling case that you felt you had to agree. The Scouts needed this. And by extension, humanity needed this.

So, here you were, wearing nothing but a half mask and a skimpy dress, pulled flush against a similarly masked man with a slippery smile and alcohol-drenched breath. The two of you sat in a secluded booth at the edge of a darkened club – which was really a secret room in some noble's summer home. The merchant's third glass rested half-empty on the table.

When you had a split second of opportunity, you slipped a sprinkle of powder into his drink. According to Erwin, the drug was supposed to make the pig less guarded, more likely to reveal secrets. However, it was still a risk. If the merchant became too insistent before the drug could take effect, you might actually have to...

You resisted the urge to glance around, knowing Erwin was here somewhere, watching. So were Mike and Hanji. As high-ranking military officers, they each received invitations to these events, but they were only here tonight to protect you if things went wrong. You just wished someone was here to protect you from things going right.

Unbidden, you thought of Levi. The two of you were close friends, and you always felt safer when he was around. However, you had asked Erwin to exclude Levi from this mission. It would've been mortifying if he saw you like this – so much so that you would never have been able to look him in the eye again. On top of that, you secretly cared for Levi as more than a friend, and you couldn't help wanting him to think highly of you, even if he would likely never return your feelings.

Too soon, the merchant started getting handsy, and you had no choice but to play along. You let him whisper in your ear, let him trail his wet lips down your neck, not so much kissing as devouring. Honestly, a titan's mouth would have been less intrusive. And...you felt like you were going to cry.

You had never been touched like this before, and you certainly didn't want your first time to be with someone so sleazy and repulsive. Every point of contact made you feel violated in the worst way – and dirty, as if his hands left a trail of grease behind that seeped right through to your skin. It was all you could do to keep yourself from breaking into a panic. God, you didn't want this, anything but this. But the Scouts needed that information...

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