Desperate (Levi x Scared Reader)

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It had been a long walk back to HQ after the latest expedition. The Scouts had been gone a whole week, and the casualties were worse than normal. One of your squadmates had suffered a badly broken leg, so you accompanied her to the infirmary after arriving back at the castle. However, as much as you knew she needed you, there was someone else you were anxious to see. You had to fight to keep your breathing steady and your body from shaking while you waited until the medics had a chance to examine her amidst all the chaos. Once she was safely in their care, you set off to find Levi.

You always spent the hours after an expedition together. At first, it was only because neither of you wanted to be alone. But as your relationship developed, your reason altered slightly. After enduring days apart, never knowing if the other had been hurt or killed, you needed to be in the same space – to let it sink in that the person you loved most was still alive and with you.

You arrived at Levi's door and knocked. He answered almost immediately, as if he had been waiting for you. He was dressed in his nightclothes, and his hair was wet, so he had probably just finished bathing. Your breath hitched at the sight of him. You had caught glimpses on the way back, but this was your first chance to actually see each other since you left the walls. You loosed a small sigh upon confirming that Levi was unharmed. He stared at you for a moment, relief shining in his eyes. Then he stepped back, allowing you to enter.

"Do you want to bathe here?" he asked as you walked in.

You looked down. In your haste to see him, you hadn't stopped to clean yourself up. You were still covered in a week's worth of grime from the expedition, as well as your comrade's blood.

"Here," he said, holding out a towel and some nightclothes for you.

You took them, but found yourself unable to turn away. You stood completely still, staring at Levi as if you couldn't believe he was there. Levi looked back at you with a similar expression. Trepidation started to swell within you at the thought of what might have happened during the expedition. Not wanting to worry Levi, you glanced away, clearing your throat. "Thanks," you murmured. Then you walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you.

You peeled off your filthy uniform and slowly lowered yourself into the tub. However, the near-boiling water couldn't stop your shaking. Even though you knew Levi was in the next room, you couldn't rid yourself of the anxiety that had gripped you throughout the week you were apart. You both had made it back this time, but what about next time, or the time after that? You loved him with everything you had, and losing him would destroy you. The longer you sat there, the more your panic grew. Finally, you climbed out of the tub and wrapped yourself in a towel, your nightclothes forgotten.

Had you been in your normal, rational state of mind, you wouldn't have done it. You had always wanted to wait until marriage. But you were terrified. You needed to hold him and feel that he was alright. You needed to be with him, completely.

You walked into the bedroom. Levi was shutting a drawer in his desk, his back to you. You stopped less than a foot away. When Levi turned and saw your expression, his brow furrowed in concern. "(F/n)? Are you alright?"

You swallowed. Then, gradually, you let the towel fall. Levi had seen your body before, but it was always in the context of treating injuries. this. You kept your eyes locked on his – hopeful, and scared.

Aside from the slightest hint of shock, Levi's expression was unreadable. His eyes drifted down your body, then back up to your face. He held your gaze for a long time.

Then he slowly reached down, picked up the towel, and wrapped it around you.

You looked as if you had been slapped. You hitched a breath, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. But before you could turn away, Levi gently cupped your face in his hands and pressed his lips to yours.

He kissed you softly, deeply, tenderly. He continued to do so even as the tears fell from your eyes. You couldn't understand it. He had just rejected you, so why...?

Only when he ran out of breath did Levi finally pull back. Using his thumbs, he gently brushed the tears from your face. You trembled beneath his touch, an endless sea of emotions still whirling within you.

"Wha...?" you started to gasp, but you couldn't form the words.

Levi pressed one more loving kiss to your lips. "I do want you, (f/n)," he whispered hoarsely. "God, I do. But...I also respect you, and I want to do this properly." His eyes softened. "We just have to be patient a little while longer."

"But what if we don't have any longer, Levi?" you cried. "What if one of us dies on the next expedition, and...what if...Levi, I can't lose you!"

You were sobbing in earnest now. Levi gingerly folded you into his arms, and you buried your face in his shoulder.

"We'll have time, (f/n). I promise we will," he assured you, stroking your hair.

Levi stood there for as long as you needed, letting you cry all of your fears into his shirt. When you finally calmed down, you tilted your head so you could look him in the eye. "Thank you," you breathed.

Levi pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead. He stared at you for a moment, contemplating, before he gently released you and turned to the desk.

"I was trying to find the right moment to do this," he said, opening the drawer. "I suppose now's as good a time as any."

He turned back to you, holding a small square box in his hand. Your breath caught.

"And don't think I'm doing this because of what happened tonight," he stated, his gaze locked on yours. "I've had this for a month now."

Levi loosed a breath, then slowly got down on one knee. He opened the box, revealing a simple but beautiful ring. "I love you, (f/n). Will you marry me?"

Suddenly, your legs could no longer support you. You sank to the floor in front of Levi, fresh tears in your eyes. However, these tears were not sad, or fearful. A grin broke across your face, and you launched into a hug. Levi had to quickly hold the ring off to the side to avoid pinning it between you two. "Yes," you gasped. Then you pulled back so you could look him in the eye when you said it. "Yes, of course. I will marry you."

Levi responded with a smile to match your own before pulling you into a deep kiss. "Thank you," he whispered against your lips.

You were lost in each other's gaze for a moment before you remembered the ring.

"May I?" Levi asked.

You nodded and held out your left hand, letting Levi slip the ring onto your finger. You took a few seconds to marvel at it before turning back to him. "And don't think I'm doing this because of what happened tonight, either." You smirked playfully, regaining some of your usual demeanor. "I've been wondering what was taking you so long."

Levi rolled his eyes. "Brat," he grumbled, then kissed your nose.

You laughed. "So, when's the big day?"

"I'll marry you tomorrow, if you'll let me. need time to find a dress?"

You hummed. "I'm sure I can find something quick. Tomorrow afternoon, then?"

"It's a date." Levi gave you one more kiss before helping you to your feet. His eyes flicked up and down your body. "Would you like to put on some clothes, or will you be sleeping in a towel?" he teased.

You scoffed and smacked him lightly on the chest before going to get your nightclothes. By the time you had dressed, Levi was waiting in the bed for you. You crawled under the covers and into his arms.

"Goodnight, (f/n) (l/n)," he whispered.

You blinked. "You know," you mused, looking up at him, "this is the last night you'll ever be able to say that."

Levi smirked. "Why do you think I'm saying it?"

Butterflies danced in your stomach. You nestled your head into Levi's chest, closing your eyes and breathing in the freshly cleaned smell of his shirt. "Goodnight, fiancé," you murmured, smiling as you drifted off to sleep. 

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