Bad Timing (Alpha Levi x Omega Reader)

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Author's Note: This is an alternate version of one of my previous stories, "Adjustment". And yes, this one is also pretty saucy, so consider yourselves warned. 

" can the suppressants be gone?" you gasped at the brunette.

The two of you were alone in her office, and in your opinion, Hanji looked much more relaxed than she ought to be, perched casually on the edge of her desk. She was supposed to be in charge of distributing the suppressant drugs that the military issued for its omega members. However, when you had shown up at her door to retrieve your monthly supply, she informed you that there were no suppressants to be had – and that was a huge problem.

The suppressants were the only thing that allowed omegas to have successful careers as soldiers, blocking the heat cycles that would otherwise take omegas out of action for several days each season. During this time, omegas' bodies channeled all their energy into reproduction, leaving the omegas utterly useless for anything else. They also released pheromones that drove nearby alphas crazy with lust. Thus, it was better all-around if omegas took the suppressants regularly.

"I'm sorry, (f/n), but the shipment was delayed. There's nothing we can do," your fellow section commander explained.

"Hanji..." you whined, worried that they wouldn't come soon enough. "My heat cycle could hit any day now. If I don't get those suppressants..."

"Hey, don't worry about it," she chimed optimistically. "There's still a chance that the shipment will arrive before anything can happen. And if your heat cycle does hit, just lock yourself in your room. I'll cover for you."

You growled in frustration. "Fine. Just please, please bring me the suppressants as soon as you get them. Promise?"

"Of course, sweetie," Hanji replied reassuringly. "As soon as I get them."


After your conversation with Hanji, you went about your normal duties, all the while praying that your heat cycle wouldn't come. At every chance you got, you eyed the section commander meaningfully, but she would subtly shake her head. The shipment still hadn't arrived.

You made it two days before your heat hit you like a punch to the gut.

It happened suddenly, just as you were leaving a strategy meeting with Erwin and the other section commanders. Thankfully, most of your comrades had started off in the opposite direction by this point, so they didn't notice immediately when you doubled over at the sudden sensation in your stomach. However, Captain Levi was right next to you.

"(F/n)? What's wrong?" he asked worriedly, his hands ready to catch you in case you fell. "Are you sick?"

Crap, you thought as you clutched at your abdomen. Out of the three hundred soldiers in the regiment, the only two who knew about your biology were Hanji and Commander Erwin. Omegas didn't tend to parade around their status – mostly to avoid being thought of as incapable, and to avoid unsavory alphas who might try to take advantage of them. However, if you stayed here in this hallway while your pheromones continued to spread, the other officers would soon figure out the truth.

"Levi, please..." you begged, your voice pitched low so only he could hear it. "Please, help me get back to my room. Quickly."

Even though you didn't say it, Levi was perceptive enough to notice that you wanted to accomplish this discreetly. "Yeah, okay," he muttered quietly, carefully wrapping his arms around you to provide support. "Come on."

As the two of you shuffled through the halls, you watched for any signs that he was reacting to your pheromones. Just as the captain didn't know your biological status, you didn't know his. At the very least, you doubted he was an omega, given that you had never seen him display even a hint of the nurturing and submissive temperament characteristic of your biological class. That meant he was either an alpha or a beta, and you were praying it was the latter.

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