Pillow Talk (Husband Levi x Wife Reader)

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Author's Note: When I started writing this book, I was writing for myself, never imagining that a significant amount of people would identify with the weirdness that comes out of my brain. However, in a rare occurrence, I was wrong. Therefore, my fellow crazies, rejoice and be merry...because we made it to one million reads!

Unfortunately, none of my eleven works in progress were anywhere near ready to publish. [Insert my sheepish expression here.] But seeing as how I had to celebrate with something, I cooked up this little blurb for you. Fair warning that it is probably as saucy as I can get while keeping things solidly PG-13, and it does discuss adult content. (Yes, I mean the stuff that married couples do. Gomen.) I hope you enjoy it, and thank you all a million times over!

You flopped down on your side next to Levi, panting heavily. While you caught your breath, you basked in the beauty of his profile, lit by the barest amount of moonlight that filtered through the curtains. The sight of his glazed-over eyes and flushed face was enough to reawaken the butterflies that had just finished their intense flight around your core, their wings brushing pleasantly against your insides. You had never felt so giddy or satisfied in your entire life.

You snuggled against him, lazily draping an arm over his waist. The contact seemed to draw Levi back to himself – just a little – and he turned his head to look at you, his soft gasps warming your skin. As his eyes met the object of their adoration, a dazed, blissful smile curled his lips. His eyelids drifted closed, as if he were so overwhelmed that he just needed a moment for the dizziness to fade. He rolled onto his side, nestling into your embrace, wanting to feel you as much as possible.

"Hi," you murmured playfully, grinning as you nuzzled your nose against his.

"Hi," he whispered back, his eyelids fluttering open to gaze at you lovingly. And...oh, he still looked marvelously overwhelmed in all the best ways.

Your heart skipped.

"How do you feel?" you asked, wanting to make sure he was taken care of. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah..." he mumbled, and his gravelly tone caused the butterflies in your stomach to flutter a little faster. "It feels...yeah."

You giggled. "Well, that's good, I guess." Then, knowing how uncomfortable he was with messes, you started to drag yourself out of bed. "I'll get something to clean us up, okay?"

Levi nodded vaguely, his eyes swimming with gratitude and adoration.

Shortly thereafter, you returned from the bathroom with a warm washcloth. You carefully wiped Levi off first, and then yourself, before tossing the cloth into the laundry bin. With that done, you happily reclaimed your spot next to him. The heat radiating from your bodies was just enough to keep you warm, but you pulled the blankets over you both anyway, in case Levi got cold.

After finally settling into the soft mattress, you wrapped him loosely in your arms. Your eyes drifted up to his face, expecting to enjoy more of that satisfied, blissful expression from earlier. However, what you saw was quite different.

Levi's gaze was still trained on the laundry bin where you had thrown the washcloth, staring at it with a furrowed brow. His eyes were clear, now, as if something had occurred to him that pulled him out of his fuzzy state. His smile had vanished, morphed into a frown.

"Levi? Are you sure you're alright?" you questioned, instantly feeling concerned at the clear change in his demeanor. Was he actually not okay? Had you done something to upset him? Something he didn't like, or something that hurt?

Instead of responding, his expression fell further. He looked almost...guilty.

"I should be asking you that," he mumbled at last, biting his bottom lip between his teeth. "I...I made you bleed..."

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