Not Alone (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This story contains mega spoilers for chapter 132 of the manga, so please don't read it if you don't already know what happens. I had so many feels about that chapter that I simply couldn't wait until after it was animated to write something about it.

Just in the nick of time, the plane took off, barely managing to escape the Rumbling. You stood aboard it, watching with horror flooding your veins as Commander Hanji sacrificed herself so the rest of you could live.

After slaying three colossal titans, Hanji fell from the sky, and you knew that she was dead. You looked around, seeing your own grief mirrored on your comrades' faces. Armin – your new commander – was beating the wall with his fists. Jean had tears in his eyes. Even Mikasa looked shaken.

Your misty gaze continued to travel around the plane, until it landed on Captain Levi, sitting by himself. He wasn't crying like the rest of you, but you could still tell that he was hurting.

You had seen his face when he said goodbye to Hanji. He had looked so...sad...and empty. The sight alone broke your heart. After all, Captain Levi was the strongest person you knew – both physically and emotionally. The only other time you had seen him show any flicker of pain at all was when Commander Erwin died.

You walked over and sat down next to him. You didn't look at him. You didn't say anything. You just sat there.

You could only imagine how he felt right now. He was the only veteran left. He had just watched his last remaining friend die, like he had watched so many others before her. And you thought about how terribly lonely that must be.

So you sat next to him. And you showed him, simply by being there, that he wasn't alone.


Against all odds, you and your comrades had done it. You had beaten Eren, stopped the Rumbling, and made peace with the world.

After taking some time to rest, the remaining members of your old cadet corps decided to take a week-long trip to the beach to celebrate. Naturally, you were thrilled. After everything that had happened, a peaceful week with your friends was just what you needed.

You were all packed, and you were in the process of dragging your suitcase outside to wait for your transportation. On your way out, you passed Captain Levi. didn't look like he planned to go with you.

Strange. You were sure that you had heard Armin invite him. "Captain Levi?" you murmured. "Aren't you coming to the beach?"

He still had that empty look in his eyes – that same look he had when Hanji died. It hadn't gone away since the war ended. "No, (l/n). I'm not," he muttered without even looking at you. Then he walked away.

You stood there, staring after him as an ache bloomed in your chest. After thinking about it for a moment, you turned around and returned your suitcase to your room.


Later that day, you knocked on Captain Levi's door. "Captain? It's me, (f/n)." You nudged the door open a bit and chimed, "I made tea. Would you like some?"

Levi looked mildly surprised to see you, but he simply grumbled, "Thanks."

You took that as your cue and walked in, setting the tray on his desk. You poured tea for both of you, then sat down across from him.

Without touching his drink, Levi asked, "What are you still doing here, (l/n)? The other brats left hours ago."

"I...thought I'd stay," you mumbled, averting your gaze. You shrugged, then took a sip of tea.

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