Emotional Release (Levi x Masseuse Reader)

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Both of your parents were massage therapists, and they owned their own private practice in one of the luxurious towns in Wall Sina. They had spent the better part of your childhood training you to follow in their footsteps, so naturally, they were disappointed when you chose to enlist in the military. However, you felt called to help people in a different way than your parents did.

Yet, the years of masseuse training weren't without their benefits. As you grew accustomed to life as a soldier, you never forgot the things you learned in your parents' practice, and so you were able to give top-notch massages to your comrades. Considering the extreme ways in which you all exerted your bodies, such relaxation was quite welcome.

By the time you joined the Scouts, your skills were well-known, and it seemed that you were always massaging one friend or another. You didn't mind helping out, and sometimes, your friends even returned the favor – though admittedly, none were as good as you.

Even Levi allowed you to give him massages – after years of getting to know each other, of course, since he didn't permit just anyone to touch him. He was surprisingly shy and hesitant when you first suggested it. For reasons he had yet to reveal to you, that sort of physical contact made him uneasy. However, the stress of being a soldier was getting to be too much, even for him. You two were now squad captains with a lot of responsibility, and he needed the relief that you offered.

Knowing how difficult this was for him and wanting him to relax as much as possible, you always communicated what you were doing, and you assured Levi that he could tell you to stop at any time. You also never suggested that he remove any clothing, knowing that he wouldn't be comfortable.

Furthermore, you stuck to massaging just his shoulders. This seemed to be the area that made Levi the least uneasy, as it contained nothing too sensitive, and he could remain sitting upright at his desk while you worked.

To your delight, all the care you took paid off, and Levi was actually able to relax beneath your skilled fingertips. And because he was so stressed all the time, you ended up rubbing his shoulders quite often. So often, in fact, that Levi's comfort level gradually increased, until you thought he might be okay with you massaging other areas.

At that time, you offered to massage his back as well. Levi was uncertain, just as he was at the start, but he knew you were only trying to help – that you would help. Thus, you both moved from the office to the bedroom, where Levi could lie down easily.

"Lie on your stomach," you instructed gently. "If you're comfortable, you can take your shirt off."

Levi seemed to hesitate for a moment, but he trusted you enough by now that he slid the material over his head and laid it neatly on a nearby chair. Then he got on the bed.

Normally, you would have used some sort of essential oil to help him relax further. However, you honestly hadn't been expecting him to expose his skin to you tonight, so you hadn't brought any. Thus, you made your way to the bed and bent over him.

Even in the dim candlelight, you could see how tense he was. "Close your eyes," you whispered soothingly. "Focus on your breathing. In...and out..."

If there was one thing Levi was well-versed in, it was orders. So once you told him what to do, he relaxed considerably. There was something strangely freeing about submitting to someone else. He didn't have to worry about making decisions or getting things wrong. Of course, Levi wouldn't give such implicit obedience to just anyone, but here and now, he was willing to give it to you. He trusted you to take care of him.

As always, you intoned the same words before you touched him. "I'm going to start now, alright? If you want me to stop at any time, just say so."

Levi grunted his assent, so you began your work on his muscles. Neck, shoulders, back – they were all so tight. But you took your time, carefully and firmly coaxing all the stress from his body. Every now and then, you found a knot that required special attention, earning a muffled groan from Levi. However, he never stopped you, and in fact, he seemed more and more contented the longer you massaged him.

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