Ink (Levi x Reader Soulmate AU)

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Everyone in the world was born with a tattoo identical to their soulmate's. Allegedly, it embodied an important element of the last life you shared together. However, you had no memory of your past lives until you met your soulmate in your current life. Then it all came flooding back, so that the two of you could continue where you left off, in a new time and place.

Most people's tattoos were on their arm – easily displayed, easily spotted. However, yours was on your back, which made displaying your tattoo somewhat difficult. And it wasn't as if you could walk around asking people to take their shirts off so you could check for an identical design. Although, you supposed it could be worse. At least it wasn't on your butt.

Still, you were getting rather antsy about finding that special person. You were already two years out of college, and all of your friends had found their soulmates ages ago. You constantly agonized over the possibility that, maybe, you had missed your one true love – that you had passed each other on the street, or sat next to each other in a coffee shop, and never even known it.

However, your friends weren't giving up on you. They were constantly inviting you to social gatherings and introducing you to people, with the hope that one of them would be your soulmate. You knew they were just trying to help, but in the end, it only made you feel worse. You could only have your hopes destroyed so many times before you stopped hoping at all.

"(F/n)!" Sasha chimed as she slid into the seat next to you in the company's cafeteria. "I hope you have a cute outfit handy, because we're throwing a party tonight!"

Your face fell. "No thanks," you mumbled. "I...I really don't think I can do this anymore, Sasha."

"But Mikasa already said that we could use her family's super fancy house!" Sasha exclaimed. "And we've invited, like, every single person that we know. Come on, just give it a shot. Please." She gave you her best puppy-dog eyes.

You sighed. "Fine," you agreed gloomily. "But if this doesn't work, promise me you won't do this anymore. Okay?"

Sasha nodded. "Don't worry, (f/n)! Tonight's the night! I can feel it!"

Sadness made your heart twist. Sasha said the same thing every time. And every time, she was wrong.


When Sasha said that your friends had invited every single person they knew, she wasn't kidding. The three-story mansion that belonged to Mikasa's family was practically overflowing with guests. They even spilled out into the backyard, where people were doing cannonballs into the pool despite the chilly weather.

Your friends dragged you from person to person, hoping that you would find the right one. But none of them had ink on their back.

After over an hour of this, you were feeling worse than ever. On top of your disappointment at not meeting your soulmate, you were terribly drained from the social overload. You just wanted someplace quiet where you could mope in peace.

Your search took you to a bedroom that was tucked out of the way on the third floor. At a glance, it seemed like a guest bedroom, since everything was so neat and there weren't many personal items. Satisfied that you weren't intruding, you sat down in the corner and tucked your knees into your chest.

You could still hear the party raging below you, but at least the walls offered somewhat of a buffer. You sighed, letting your forehead rest on your knees as you closed your eyes. You took deep, even breaths, trying to decompress and get rid of the headache you had acquired.

You didn't know how much time had passed when the door suddenly opened. Your head snapped up in time to see a man enter the room. He seemed not to notice you in the darkness and shut the door, muttering something about brats spilling alcohol on his clothes.

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