Ice (Freezing Levi x Reader)

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They shouldn't have been skating. They knew the ice was thin. But it was winter, and everything looked so magical, and they just wanted to have some fun.

Luckily, Levi was nearby. He jumped in, enduring the freezing water that felt like a thousand needles stabbing his body, and saved the one cadet who hadn't made it off the ice in time.

When they broke the surface, a rescue group was already waiting on the riverbank. Levi dragged the cadet to shore, slowed immensely by the numbing effect of the water. You grabbed Levi's hand yourself, tugging him from the river and wrapping him in a blanket.

"We need to get you inside," you murmured, leading him away.

"T-the c-c-cadet," Levi stammered quietly, so cold that he could barely speak.

"The cadet is being taken care of," you assured him. "And I'm going to take care of you."

Levi could barely move his legs, but you waited until you were both out of sight to lift him in your arms.

"I c-can w-walk," Levi insisted faintly.

"No, you can't," you muttered. "Just relax, Levi. No one's going to see."

"I don't..." he protested before trailing off, his eyelids fluttering closed.

"Hey!" you snapped, shaking him in your arms. "Keep your eyes open, okay? You have to stay awake."

Levi nodded numbly, his eyelids opening halfway. Apparently, that was all he could muster.

You carried him back to his bedroom, albeit with difficulty. He was so heavy. All that muscle mass weighed a ton. It didn't help that he was soaking wet and shaking uncontrollably.

Once there, you quickly stripped him of his clothes, toweled him off, and buried him under the covers. Then you lit the fireplace before taking off your own clothes, leaving only your underwear.

"W-what are y-you d-doing?" Levi asked, his stutter not entirely caused by the cold. If he had heat to spare, he would have been blushing.

"We need to warm you up fast," you explained, "so I'm going to give you my body heat."

"I-is that r-really n-necessary?" he asked shyly.

You rolled your eyes and crawled under the blankets. "It's not like that. I'm saving your life. So stop worrying and come here."

All objections flew from his mind at the first brush of your warm skin. Levi instinctively latched onto you, pressing as close as he could, his body begging for warmth.

Meanwhile, you barked a curse. "You're freezing!" you exclaimed, forcing yourself not to pull away. He felt like an icicle.

You yanked the blankets up so they were covering you both completely. You knew how important it was to keep his head warm. You slid one hand into his hair, simultaneously rubbing to get the area warm and pressing his face into your neck, while your other hand rubbed his back. When you recalled his earlier difficulty with walking, you entwined your legs with his.

It seemed to take forever, but eventually, Levi's temperature started to rise. Once he was able to exert some control over his body, he tried to move away from you.

"What are you doing?" you asked. "You still haven't stopped shaking."

Levi averted his gaze. "I...I'm n-not wearing any c-clothes," he stuttered quietly.

You scoffed. "Yeah, I know, genius. I undressed you."

Levi rolled over to hide the blush on his cheeks.

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