Stay with Me (Injured Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: THIS STORY CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 115. TURN BACK NOW IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY READ CHAPTER 115 OF THE MANGA. (For you anime-only fans, this is way after season 3).

"Oh my God, is he...?"

"He's alive!" Hanji replied, half-running, half-limping across the front lawn.

You stood frozen in the doorway of the small cottage, eyes wide with horror as you beheld who exactly Hanji carried in her arms. There was blood everywhere – so much blood, and his face...

You mentally smacked yourself, fighting back the shock that threatened to immobilize you. Now wasn't the time. As your breathing steadied, a calm focus filled your mind, like the eye in the middle of a storm. You had work to do.

You rushed out to meet Hanji. "Let's get him inside!" You had to yell so she could hear you over the pouring rain. "What happened?" you asked, taking some of his weight so the three of you could move faster.

"A thunderspear," Hanji heaved breathlessly as you burst into the house. "I don't know the details, but somehow, Zeke Jaeger got ahold of one and set it off. Zeke was able to heal himself, but..." she trailed off, not needing to explain when the evidence was right in front of you.

"In here," you instructed, leading Hanji to one of the first-floor bedrooms. "Supplies are in the closet."

"Got it." Hanji helped you lower him to the bed, then rushed off for the medical kit.

Standing there, you were able to get a good look at Levi for the first time. Only by pressing your fingers to the pulse at his wrist could you verify Hanji's claim that he was, in fact, alive. His face had been shredded, and a quick glance told you that two of his fingers were missing. The one small mercy, you supposed, was that he remained unconscious. Otherwise, the pain would have been unimaginable.

"Please, stay with me," you begged silently.

When Hanji returned with the medical kit, you suppressed the urge to start with the shrapnel in his face. Bad as that looked, his vital organs had to come first. You took a knife and cut off his uniform, assessing the damage to his torso.

Then you began the work of saving your husband's life.

It felt like hours. Perhaps it had been. Through it all, you remained in a state of cool, detached focus – as if you were helping a complete stranger and not the man you loved. It was the only way to keep yourself from shattering.

Finally, you covered the last of the stitches with bandages. Hanji placed two fingers on his pulse, monitored his breathing. After what seemed like an eternity, she said numbly, "He'll live."

You released a breath you didn't know you had been holding. With it, your wall came crashing down. You slid to the floor, bringing your knees to your chest and shaking uncontrollably. Your breathing became quick and shallow as you tried to absorb oxygen in between sobs. You brought your hands to your head in a futile attempt to hold yourself together. It didn't help that they were still covered in Levi's blood.

"Hey," Hanji breathed, voice full of concern as she wrapped her arms around you. "It's going to be alright. He's going to be alright."

Hanji held you until you worked through all the emotions that had been bottled-up since you saw them on the lawn. When you could finally breathe again, you whispered, "Thank you, Hanji. He would never have made it without you."

Hanji gave you a gentle squeeze before letting go. Then she helped you to your feet so the two of you could deal with the mess. The bed was covered in blood and rainwater, likely soaked through to the mattress, so you carefully moved Levi to the bedroom across the hall.

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