Free: Ever After (Disabled Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Many of you asked for a sequel to "Free", and since I was able to create a plot with relatively little difficulty, I saw fit to gift it to you. So, don't ever say that Author-chan never gave you anything. (Haha, but seriously, I hope you enjoy!) Same warnings apply as for the first part – major spoilers for the end of the manga, etc. etc.

It had taken Levi a long time to stop seeing his wheelchair as a prison. Even after you convinced him to go on that first vacation with you, he still had doubts and insecurities, still felt like he was a burden to you. But after several months and two more vacations to phenomenal places, Levi finally realized that his injury didn't preclude him from living a normal life. He finally decided that he was done waiting – that he had lost too much time already, and that he wasn't going to let his disability hold him back any longer.

His friends' sacrifices had gifted him this world – and in many ways, his life. It would do them an unforgivable dishonor not to live it.

So, during your fourth vacation, he carefully lowered himself down on his uninjured knee – wanting to do things properly for you. He pulled out a simple but beautiful ring, then asked a question that nearly made your heart burst with happiness. And, of course, you said yes.

Fast forward a month, and the big day was finally here.

You were holding the ceremony at a small church in your town. It was a close gathering of only those who had fought in the final battle with you – except for Mikasa, who still lived on Paradis. They were already inside the chapel, and Pieck, your maid of honor, had departed moments ago to take her place on the dais. That left only you.

You stared at the double doors in front of you, taking a second to collect yourself while you waited for them to open. Of course, you weren't nervous at all. You had never been more sure of anything in your entire life. Rather, you were filled with an excitement so complete that you had to resist the urge to bounce in place. Just a few minutes from now, you'd be able to call Levi your husband.

When the doors opened, everyone turned to look at you. There were smiles on their faces, some tears, some expressions of awe. That was to be expected, for a bride on her wedding day. However, no one looked more shocked than you did yourself, when your eyes landed on Levi, standing on the dais, wearing his best formal clothes.

Standing. seemed impossible, but...Levi was standing. On his own two feet. With no assistance whatsoever. The chair was nowhere to be seen.

You gasped, covering your mouth with your hand as tears filled your eyes. You wanted to run to him, but suddenly, your knees felt so weak that they couldn't hold you. Ironically, you were now the one who needed help walking.

Pieck saw you sway and strode back to your side. Still stunned by Levi, you barely noticed when she looped her arm through yours. It wasn't until she gave you a small tug and whispered, "Come on. He's waiting," that you finally found the wherewithal to move your feet.

During the time it took to walk down the aisle, your misty eyes stayed locked on him, disbelieving. But then, slowly, the reality of the situation started to sink in. Levi was standing. He was standing.

He was standing!

As soon as you were within jumping distance, you lunged for him, wrapping him in your arms and planting kiss after kiss upon his lips. You didn't care about the audience – didn't even spare them a second thought as they cheered and whistled and grinned. All you could think about was Levi. All you could feel was overwhelming happiness.

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