Her Voice (Levi x Mute Reader)

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You had been captured by the First Interior Squad while the government was hunting Eren and Historia. They tortured you, in every way they knew how, for almost an entire week. Yet, the only sounds that left your lips were screams, sobs, and whimpers. You did not speak a single word to your captors. You did not betray your friends.

Once the coup was over, the Scouts came for you. And because your comrades now had the support of the government, the First Interior Squad didn't put up a fight.

You were barely conscious when you left the room that had become your own personal Hell. You didn't even notice whose strong arms carried you all the way back to HQ.

When you finally stirred, pain gripped your entire body. It even hurt to open your eyes. But you did it anyway.

The first thing you noticed wasn't the nightgown that someone else had dressed you in. It wasn't the soft bed you slept on, or the high ceilings of the infirmary.

It was Levi's hand, gently cradling your own.

"(F/n)!" he gasped, his voice strained and quiet. His typically stoic eyes didn't hide anything now – not his shock, not his relief, and not his sorrow.

"You're awake," he whispered in disbelief. "You're finally awake."

Although it hurt, your lips pulled upward into a soft smile. Seeing Levi, hearing his voice, feeling his touch...it was the most comforting thing you could have imagined.

You were home. You were safe.

You tried to sit up, fighting the ache in your muscles. Levi quickly moved to help you, supporting your back with one hand while arranging your pillow with the other. Soon, you were leaning against the headboard, your gaze level with Levi's.

"Do you...hurt anywhere?" Levi asked haltingly. He knew it was a stupid question, but he couldn't think of another way to figure out what you needed.

Your expression softened as you nodded your head. Knowing how Levi would react, you tried to convey that he shouldn't blame himself. But you could see that he did anyway.

Remorse filled his eyes. "Where?"

You made to speak, but no sound came out. It was as if the words had gotten stuck in your throat. However, you didn't seem surprised. You closed your mouth, still gazing at Levi with that consoling expression.

Worry crossed his features. "Can't you...can't you talk?" he asked breathlessly.

You continued to gaze at him. Your silence was answer enough.

For a moment, Levi only stared at you, frozen with shock. Then he started yelling. "Hanji! Hanji, get in here!"

Hanji rushed in from the adjacent room. "What? What's the matter? Did something...Oh! (F/n), you're awake!"

Hanji's joyful smile disappeared when Levi muttered, "She can't talk."

Hanji's brows furrowed in confusion. "She...what?"

"I said she can't talk!" Levi shouted, glaring at Hanji.

The pain in Levi's voice broke your heart. You squeezed his hand, and when he turned to look at you, you tried to convey that you understood how he was feeling, but it also wasn't Hanji's fault.

After taking a moment to get over her shock, Hanji stammered, "Um, okay, let me take a look. I didn't notice any damage the first time I examined her, but I'll check again."

Levi never let go of your hand while Hanji poked around your mouth and throat. As before, she didn't find anything out of the ordinary. All of your vocal mechanisms seemed intact.

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