Homecoming (Levi x Reader)

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"A miracle," the Garrison soldiers whispered as you entered Wall Rose, a full week after the rest of the Scouts had returned from the expedition.

"A miracle" that you had survived for so long, alone, in titan territory.

A miracle, you thought to yourself, is right.

The Trost Garrison was courteous enough to let you shower in their barracks, and to loan you a clean uniform afterwards. They also gave you some much-needed food and water. Once you were fed, clean, and dressed, the commanding officer informed you that a carriage was waiting to take you back to the Scout Regiment's headquarters. A soldier had already been sent ahead of you on horseback to tell Commander Erwin that you were coming.

You thanked him, then stepped into the carriage. Almost immediately after it started to move, you leaned against the window and closed your eyes. You had hardly dared to sleep at all over the past seven days, and you were exhausted. Within seconds, you fell into unconsciousness.


You awoke to the sound of the driver clearing his throat. "We're here, miss."

Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you rose. The driver stepped aside so you could exit the carriage.

As soon as your foot hit the ground, a body barreled into you. "(F/n)!" Hanji screamed as she clutched you so tightly that you couldn't breathe. "We thought you were dead!" She pulled back just as your vision was going spotty. However, you could still see the tears in Hanji's eyes. "How did you do it?" she continued, ever the scientist. "You have to tell me!"

"Later, Hanji," Commander Erwin stated as he walked toward you. You saluted, but he waved it off. "At ease, (f/n). I would certainly like to hear how you made it back as well, but that can wait until you've had a chance to rest. For now, there's something else that needs your attention."

Hanji's face fell, and she took a step away from you. Clearly, she knew something you didn't.

"Sir?" you asked, confused.

To your surprise, the commander's expression softened. He gently placed a hand on your shoulder. "You should...go tell Captain Levi that you've returned."

Your brow furrowed. "I don't understand. What's going on?"

Erwin and Hanji exchanged a glance. "Just...go see him, (f/n)," Erwin said as he returned his eyes to yours. "Right away."

With a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, you nodded.


You knocked softly on your captain's office door. When no one answered, you tried the handle, surprised to find that it was unlocked. Tentatively, you stepped inside the room, shutting the door silently behind you. You glanced around, and had to cover your mouth to keep from gasping.

Levi's famously pristine office was a wreck. Furniture destroyed, paperwork thrown everywhere, what looked like the shattered remains of a tea set on the floor...

Reigning in your shock, you made your way to his bedroom, careful not to step on anything along the way. The bedroom door was cracked open, and you heard soft cries coming from inside – cries so broken that a knot formed in your chest.

You pushed the door open the rest of the way, only to see Levi, curled on his bed, his back to you.

The knot in your chest grew tighter.

You made your way over to the side of his bed. "Levi," you murmured as you sat down slowly, not wanting to startle him.

Instantly, Levi jerked upright. He stared at you, tears still streaming down his face.

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