How to Fight (Levi x Kidnapped Reader)

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When you awoke, every part of your body seemed heavy. Your mouth felt like sandpaper. A dull ache persisted in your head, but you forced your groggy eyes to open, inch by inch. Something wasn't right. Why were you lying on the hard floor?

All at once, you jolted upright, forgetting the discomfort in your body as adrenaline coursed through your veins. Your eyes had gone wide, and your breaths were coming in quick, shallow gasps. Your frantic mind processed the small space around you...the wood walls and floor...the single door on the opposite side...the ropes tied around your wrists and ankles...

Suddenly, you remembered. Leaving the club before your friends because you were tired. Fog making the empty, night-darkened streets more difficult to see. Behind you, the scrape of shoes on stone. And a foul-smelling cloth over your face.

You had been kidnapped – by whom or for what purpose, you didn't know. Was it random? Were you just in the wrong place at the wrong time? What did they plan on doing with you? How long had you been here? Had your friends even realized you were missing?

You got ahold of your racing mind before you could panic. You forced your lungs to take deep breaths, forced your shaking body to settle. This wasn't the first life-threatening situation you had been in – you were a soldier, after all. But somehow, the thought of facing titans didn't frighten you nearly as much as whatever monstrous humans were beyond that door.

Still, you knew that panicking wouldn't get you anywhere. Thus, while you tried to calm your body, you reminded yourself that you were strong. You were resourceful. You knew how to fight humans, thanks to the hand-to-hand combat training you had received from the military.

But the drill instructors weren't the only ones who had trained you.

While keeping an ear out for any noises beyond that door, you thought through everything that Levi had shown you. How to stealthily escape from deadly situations. How to listen and wait for the opportune moment. How to free yourself from chains and ropes.

The cords that bound you now were tight, but they weren't tied nearly as well as the ones Levi did. With only a small amount of difficulty, you were able to yank your wrists free within a few minutes. But just as you started on your ankles, you heard footsteps on the other side of the door, followed by slurred male voices.

"...get back to the game. This is a waste of time."

"That game is a waste of time. Hey, d'you think the other guys would like it if we brought the girl out? I bet she'd be more interesting than losing all our money to Crow."

"I can get behind that."

You tugged the ropes off as fast as you could while trying to control your racing heart. Then you launched yourself across the room, putting your back to the wall right next to the door. That position would give you the element of surprise – while your captors were still searching the room for you, you could attack from their blind spot.

You took a deep breath, reminding yourself once again that you could do this. After all, Levi had taught you other things besides stealth. Like how to beat people who were bigger than you. How to win against guns and knives with just your bare hands.

Moreover, Levi had shown you all these things because he loved you. Although he never wanted something like this to happen to you, in the event that it did, he wanted you to be prepared. To survive. To come back to him.

You would get back to him.


Levi stared through the darkness and fog at the lonely, run-down house. It would have looked abandoned but for the light coming from inside. As he drew closer, he picked up on more signs of life – the clink of bottles, along with the murmur of voices.

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