Doing the Right Thing (Levi x Lawyer Reader)

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"But this is wrong!" you insisted to the uncaring MP. "She's the victim! She shouldn't be punished for this!"

It was nighttime in the city, and you just happened to be walking by as two MP's were arresting a woman on the charge of prostitution. She looked horrible – injured and half-starved. Apparently, she had said no to a potential client, and he had gotten violent, then called the police when she fought to defend herself.

"Get lost, lady," the MP grumbled. "You're in the way."

"No!" you argued. "You can't do this! The law clearly states –"

"Yeah, yeah, well, last I checked, you weren't her lawyer," he quipped, keeping his iron-clad grip on her arm.

His partner scoffed. "As if anyone would care that much about a whore."

You glared at him, feeling disgust and anger coil in your stomach. "I do," you stated. "I'll represent her."

Technically, you could do it. You had trained as a lawyer in Wall Maria before it fell, then joined the military. Even though you hadn't been in a courtroom in a few years, you were still certified and knew what you were doing.

He snorted. "Fine, then. You can take your argument to the judge. But you can't stop us from arresting her."

You gritted your teeth. According to the law, he was right. "Don't worry, miss," you said to the woman, trying to soothe her. "We'll sort this out. Trust me."


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Levi asked as he watched you working late into the night. "You don't even know this woman."

"Absolutely," you stated. Of course, your body was dead tired, but your determination to get justice for that woman kept you going. "She doesn't deserve to be punished, and no one else is going to help her." A second later, you added, "Her name is Ana, by the way."

Levi's expression tightened. A mix of emotions crept into his typically stoic gaze. However, you were so focused on the document in front of you that you didn't notice. Wordlessly, he left the room.

Several minutes later, he returned with a hot cup of tea and set it on your desk.


"Has the jury reached a verdict?" the judge asked.

"Yes, Your Honor. We find the defendant not guilty."

With that, you finally released the breath you had been holding the entire time that the jury was deliberating. Ana pulled you into a tight hug with more strength than you would have expected from her delicate frame. With tears in her eyes, she thanked you for helping her when no one else would.

You smiled and hugged her back, feeling drained but also elated. You had put everything you had into that trial, and you were indescribably happy that your efforts had paid off.

Even now, you were so focused on what was going on past the bar that you didn't see what was going on behind it, in the spectator area. Or more specifically, you didn't see who was in the spectator area.

While you were still celebrating, Levi slipped out the door, as if he had never been there at all.


After running on adrenaline all day, you crashed as soon as you got back to your room in the Scouts' barracks. You felt like a zombie while you showered and changed into pajamas. Then, finally, you crawled into bed.

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