You Idiot (Levi x Oblivious Reader)

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You rushed into Levi's office and shut the door behind you. Leaning against it, you sighed in relief before looking at the confused captain, who was seated at his desk with a pen in hand.

"Can I hide in here?" you asked.

Levi shrugged. "Whatever."

"Thanks," you chimed, giving him a smile. Then you walked across the room and flopped dramatically onto his couch.

Levi watched you the entire time, his eyebrows raised slightly. "What exactly are you hiding from?" he muttered.

You groaned, rubbing your temples with your fingers. "Everyone has gone crazy, Levi!"

"Tch. Like they weren't crazy before?" he grumbled.

"That's not what I mean," you stated, sitting up suddenly and meeting his gaze. "Do you know how many guys have confessed their undying love for me today? Seven. Seven!" You plopped back down, throwing an arm over your eyes and groaning again under the weight of your problems.

It was Valentine's Day, so confessions of love weren't uncommon. However, you had gotten such a large amount that you didn't know what to do. You didn't like any of them back, so you had to turn them down. But they just kept coming. It was really getting to be a headache.

"That sounds like a terrible problem to have," Levi muttered sarcastically.

"It is!" you exclaimed, completely missing his tone. "I just don't understand why so many people like me that much. I mean, of course, I'm glorious above all things. But I'm also demanding, and cold-blooded, and completely oblivious to romantic signals..."

"Oblivious is an understatement," Levi mumbled, so low that you couldn't hear.

"And I just don't like anybody!" you proclaimed, finishing your rant.

For a moment, the room was silent. Then Levi asked quietly, "So...did you accept any of them?"

"Of course not. I just said that I don't like anybody," you stated, rolling your eyes. "I mean, you get it, don't you? You're like me, after all. I'm not interested in romance. I don't feel anything. I just want to be left alone to revel in my eternal single-ness."

Levi sighed. And though you didn't pick up on it, there was something heavy, almost sad, in the sound. "Yeah. I get it."


Hiding in Levi's office was a good idea, but you couldn't stay there forever. Hanji needed your help with some experiments, and since she was your direct superior, you couldn't refuse her – even if that meant risking more unwanted confessions.

You crept to Hanji's office as quickly and discreetly as you could. When you made it inside without enduring any more declarations of love, you heaved a sigh of relief.

The office – which looked more like a mad scientist's laboratory – was cluttered with its typical array of notebooks and test tubes. Also, there may or may not have been something alive in the corner. Ignoring the things that you would rather not know more about, you carefully tiptoed through the mess and made your way to Hanji's side.

She took one look at your face and chuckled. "Rough day?"

"You could say that," you grumbled. "So many guys have confessed their love for me, and I don't like any of them."

"Aww, poor beautiful baby," she cooed. "Was Shorty one of them?"

Your brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Did Levi say he loved you?" Hanji clarified.

"No," you scoffed. The very idea of your best friend being in love with you was ridiculous. "Why would you even ask that?"

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