More Than Just Relief (Husband Levi x Wife Reader)

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You hissed when the ache in your back flared again, just from the smallest movement. A grimace twisted your features as you rubbed the spot in a futile attempt to dull the pain. You had been like this all day – unable to do anything besides stand ramrod straight without your muscles screaming at you.

"You okay?" Levi asked, glancing up from the stack of paperwork on his desk.

"Ah, it's nothing," you grumbled, trying not to groan as you stood upright again. "My back is just sore from all the training we did yesterday."

Levi's brow furrowed. "Has it been like that all day?"

You nodded.

"Tch. Then why didn't you say something sooner?" he scolded, though his tone was softer than it might have been if he were speaking to anyone else. You were his wife, after all.

You shrugged. "What's the point? It's a normal part of the job. Besides, it'll go away on its own."

Levi averted his gaze, sitting in thoughtful silence for a moment. Finally, he mumbled, "Do you...want me to m-massage it f-for you?"

Your ears perked up at the stutter in his words, and you glanced at him, only to find that his cheeks were tinged pink. At first, you thought it was strange, because Levi typically only got nervous during romantic activities – despite the fact that the two of you had been married for a month and had been dating for a long time before that. But wondered if perhaps he had something more romantic in mind...

Your lips parted in surprise.

"I-it's've d-done it for me a f-few times," he continued. "I could...return the f-favor..."

Ah. Romantic it was, then.

Since you had been married, you had already gone all-out a handful of times on massages for him – a dark room, soft sheets, scented candles, essential oils – the whole palette. You made the experience so immersive and sensual because Levi had a terribly difficult time relaxing. After everything he had been through, and with all the responsibility that was still placed on his shoulders, it was nearly impossible for him to let go of the stress and bad memories, even for a little while. Your massages seemed to be one of the few things that did the trick.

Levi had yet to give you any massages like that – which was fine; you didn't expect him to. However, you couldn't deny that you had imagined it once or twice. The feeling of his skillful hands on your bare back, working the knots from your muscles while relaxing scents and low lighting set the mood...

"That would be really nice," you murmured, blushing softly. "Thank you."

He shrugged like it was no big deal, but you could tell that he was incredibly nervous. "Why don't you go take a bath, then?" he muttered, managing to keep his voice level. "I'll have everything ready by the time you're done."

"Okay," you breathed.

With that, you crossed into the adjoining bedroom that you and Levi shared as married soldiers, then headed straight through to the bathroom. You double-checked to make sure your robe was still hanging on the door before filling the tub with hot water.

You methodically undid your harness before slipping out of your uniform – gingerly, because you were so sore – and then you slid into the tub. The water felt so incredible that you sighed in relief. You took a moment to just enjoy it before grabbing the shampoo and starting on your hair.

Knowing what was waiting for you, it was an effort not to hurry through your bath. However, you took things slowly for two reasons – one, because your soreness demanded it, and two, because you didn't want to make Levi feel rushed. He was already stepping outside his comfort zone with this.

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