Endure (Levi x Pregnant Reader)

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Normally, you would have fought back. You could have beaten these guys. And even if that weren't the case, you would have died before you let them take you.

But you couldn't risk hurting the baby.

You held up your hands, your expression filled with pure loathing as you stated calmly, "I won't fight you."


The Marleyan agents took you back to their country. They treated you well – as well as a prisoner could expect, anyway. They had to make sure that your baby was born strong and healthy. After all, a child of the Ackerman bloodline was quite the prize.

It was a given that you would be killed shortly after the baby was born. Then Marley would raise your child to be a mindless weapon, and it would fight for them in the war to come.

Naturally, you weren't about to let that happen.

You had to be careful. Your plan couldn't involve any physical strain on yourself. So you watched. Waited. And when the chance finally came, you ran.


"Our spies in Marley reported that Mrs. Ackerman escaped," Ms. Azumabito explained. "However, they have no idea where she went after that."

Hanji sighed. "That sounds like (f/n)," she muttered. "She's probably the most resourceful person I've ever met."

"We'll keep looking, of course," Ms. Azumabito assured her. "That child will be extremely powerful. We can't let it fall into the wrong hands."

Hanji merely nodded, knowing that the other woman only cared about you so far as you were a means to an end, and it would be pointless trying to convince her otherwise. Without a word, Hanji left to go find Levi.

As it happened, he was already waiting for her. She took him into a private room and recounted what Ms. Azumabito had told her.

Levi sank into a chair, placing his face in his hands. "I should never have left her alone," he whispered. "This is my fault."

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Hanji murmured. "It's not –"

"It is!" he snapped, his hands curling into fists. "She never even wanted to have a baby, Hanji. It was an accident." His voice grew softer as he continued, "But (f/n) was so selfless. She agreed to keep it. And now..." His breath hitched. "If I hadn't gotten her pregnant, she wouldn't be running for her life all over God-knows-where."

Hanji lifted her hand, hesitating briefly before placing it on Levi's shoulder. "She's strong, Levi," Hanji assured him gently. "She and the baby will be fine. And we won't stop looking until we find her."

Levi said nothing.

Hanji sighed. "How many months would she be now?"

"Eight," he muttered, still hiding his face.

Hanji kept her composure for Levi's sake, but inwardly, his statement made her very, very anxious. With the amount of stress you were under, it was increasingly likely that the baby would be born soon. And if no one was there to help you...

They were running out of time.


You were out of time.

You had tried to make it back to Paradis before the baby was born, but apparently, the baby had other plans. At least you had gotten into a neutral country and were far away from your Marleyan captors. You had also stolen enough money when you escaped that paying for hospital services wasn't a problem.

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