Aurora (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Thanks for 800K reads! I've been obsessed with Northern Lights hotels lately, and I think Levi would really like them too, so here you go! (Also, fyi that this one is a bit saucier than normal. Gomen.)

You flopped onto the bed next to Levi, catching your breath, coming back down to Earth while you gazed up at the night sky.

Through the domed glass roof of your igloo, you could clearly see the green, blue, and purple lights dancing in waves across a sea of bright stars. You certainly didn't get this kind of view on Paradis – or most places, from what you had heard. The Aurora Borealis only appeared above countries that were situated toward the top of the world – thus, its other name: the Northern Lights.

They were the reason why you had trekked halfway across the globe to come to this frigid region. It had been a goal of yours ever since you heard about them – but not necessarily for your own enjoyment, though you were excited. First and foremost, you wanted Levi to have this experience. You knew how much he loved the sky.

Besides, this was the perfect occasion for something so special. Exactly one year ago, the war had finally ended, and you and Levi had gotten married. However, you hadn't been able to do anything fancy at the time, because Levi was recovering from the grievous injuries he had sustained during the final battle. Thus, you figured you could double-down for your first anniversary.

All the brochures had said that this place was popular with honeymooners, and it was easy to see why. On top of the spectacular view, the igloos were like perfect little love nests, spaced out for privacy and warm despite the freezing air outside. They weren't made of snow, but rather, they had tile floors and low, wooden walls that met the glass ceiling about one meter off the ground. Thankfully, the lowest panel of glass came equipped with curtains that could conceal your room from anyone who might pass by, while still leaving you with an unobstructed view of the sky. A small, wooden-ceilinged section of your igloo was positioned in the back, containing a dining table for two, as well as a bathroom with a sauna and tub.

Your bed was comfortably small – which, of course, you didn't mind in the least, since it gave you an excuse to cuddle closer to Levi. It was placed directly in the center of the dome, allowing you to snuggle into your blankets while you enjoyed the lights. Or you could do...other things...underneath the breathtaking sky. Like the brochures said, this was a perfect retreat for happy couples.

You certainly were not disappointed. Neither, it seemed, was Levi.

Lazily, you tilted your head to the side so that you could look at him instead. He was still in a bit of a daze, but even so, the way he gazed up at the sky made your entire trip worth the effort, a thousand times over. Your heart filled with warmth, and you were so, indescribably glad that he could have this. He deserved it.

Your gaze slowly drifted across his frame, from his half-lidded eyes to his flushed cheeks, then to his slightly parted lips. Further down, his chest rose and fell in small, quick movements that gradually lengthened – still catching his breath. To you, even the lights dancing across the night sky couldn't compare to how stunning he looked in that moment.

You smiled and rolled onto your side, draping your left arm across his collar, curling it back so your fingers could play with his hair. You weren't trying to get his attention. In fact, you wanted him to stay exactly as he was, to keep enjoying the sky. But in that moment, he just looked so much like a dream that you couldn't resist touching him in order to prove that he was real.

Despite your intentions, he turned his head to face you anyway. His gaze, already reflecting the sky, lit up even brighter when it landed on you. Then he met your grin with a tiny, blissful smile of his own.

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