A Little Fall of Rain (Levi x Reader)

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It was Valentine's Day, and Scout Regiment Headquarters was buzzing with excitement as people exchanged everything from friendly gifts to grand declarations of love. Only one person appeared to be disgruntled about it – the raven-haired captain who now sat across from you.

"You seem irritated, sir," you commented. "Don't you like Valentine's Day?"

"Tch. It's a waste of time," Levi scoffed. "Romance is pointless when you don't even know if you'll be alive tomorrow."

"Maybe," you muttered. Although you were hoping he would take a different stance, you could understand where he was coming from. "But still, it doesn't have to be romantic. A lot of people use it as an opportunity to give gifts to their friends. Oh, that reminds me..."

You pulled a small box out of your jacket pocket and handed it to your captain. "Happy Valentine's Day!" you chimed with a smile. "I know you don't like sweet things, but it's dark chocolate, so it might not be too bad."

Tentatively, Levi took the box. He glanced at it for a moment before returning his gaze to you. "Thanks, brat," he mumbled.

Although Levi's expression remained blank, you knew him well enough by now to pick up on the slight variations in his demeanor. Even if he ended up not liking the chocolate, he was at least grateful that you thought of him.

Your smile grew. "You're welcome!"

The two of you returned to quietly filling out paperwork. A few moments later, a thought entered your mind. You knew it was probably a bad idea, but you asked softly, "So...if the titans were gone, would you consider getting married then?"

Levi stopped writing. Without looking at you, he murmured, "I don't know."

At least it wasn't an outright refusal. Your heart fluttered. Perhaps you would have a chance, someday...

"Is there someone in particular you would want to marry?" you prodded delicately.

Levi took a moment before answering. When he finally did, his voice was barely above a whisper. "Yes."

"Oh," you breathed as disappointment crept in. So, he already had someone. Of course he did.

You quickly plastered a smile on your face, not wanting him to see how you truly felt. "Well, we will just have to hurry up and beat the titans so you can marry her," you chimed as your heart split in two. Yet, despite the pain, you meant every word you said. You wanted Levi to be happy, even if it wasn't with you.

You stood, sliding your stack of papers over to him. You kept the smile on your face as you said, "I'm finished. See you tomorrow, sir." Without waiting to be dismissed, you turned and left the room.


"Ahhh!" you cried as the titan bit into you. The pain was unlike anything you had ever experienced. You felt each individual rib that snapped under the pressure. There was blood everywhere – your blood. Oh God, you wanted it to be over.


Suddenly, the pressure on your torso slackened. Not that it mattered. The damage was done.

Through the agony, you barely registered the calloused hands that pulled you from the titan's mouth, the strong arms that cradled you as you lay on the ground, the gentle fingers that wiped the tears from your cheeks. Or was it blood? You couldn't tell.

"(F/n)! No, no, please no!"

It took all of your effort to recognize the breathtaking blue eyes that stared back at you now, so full of worry and sadness.

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