I Don't Understand You (Levi x Reader)

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You and Levi had been friends for years – ever since he joined the Scouts.

Well, maybe not that far back, as Levi had been rather prickly when he first arrived. He was unpleasant to everyone except the two friends who had come up from the Underground with him. And after they both died on their first scouting mission, Levi's hostility only grew.

Everyone else stopped trying, except for Erwin, and Hanji, and you. You could only imagine how he must be feeling – alone in a strange place, mourning the loss of his friends while trying to appear like everything was fine. You could never abandon someone who was hurting like that, even if he didn't want you. Plus, you admired Levi a lot, and you hoped that, maybe, the two of you could become friends someday.

Recognizing how guarded he was, you took things slow. You started by sitting with him at mealtimes, where he was always by himself. You said hello, and made conversation, but you never pushed if he acted like he didn't want to talk – which, at the start, was basically all the time. However, as the weeks and months passed, he gradually warmed up to you.

Finally, one night at dinner, he blurted, "Why do you always hang around me?"

His tone sounded sharp, almost like a rebuke. However, you could tell that he was genuinely curious as to why you made such an effort to get to know him, when nearly everyone else had given up. He could understand Erwin, who had dragged him here in the first place, and Hanji, who was outgoing to the extreme. But he couldn't understand you.

"I want to be your friend," you told him honestly.

Levi gave you a weird look, as if you still didn't make sense to him. However, he never asked again, and eventually, he just accepted that you two were friends.

As the years passed, you started spending much of your free time together – whether you were reading, going on walks, or taking tea. Sooner or later, much of your free time became all of your free time. It wasn't a stretch to say that they two of you were best friends. Levi grew to trust you completely, and he told you things about himself that no other living person on this earth knew.

Ultimately, you fell in love with him. However, knowing that he wasn't too keen on having a romantic relationship while the titans still threatened humanity, you kept your feelings to yourself. Yet, you got the sense that Levi could tell, from the little things you did, that you cared for him more deeply than you were saying. And sometimes, it even seemed like he cared for you in that way, too.


Tonight was one of those rare evenings off, and since Levi had a rather comfortable couch in his office, the two of you decided to sit there and drink some tea. The flames in his fireplace provided both warmth and light as you relaxed side-by-side, chatting about whatever was on your mind.

"By the way," you chimed, sipping the last of your tea, "I heard that you pulled Ness from the jaws of death yesterday."

Levi scoffed. "No I didn't."

You couldn't help chuckling a little at his response. "Sure," you muttered, humoring him.

Levi always tried to downplay his heroics, because he hated the spotlight. He didn't want to be hailed as a savior. And somehow, that only made you admire him more.

Your expression softened as you murmured, "You're really brave, you know?"

His eyes widened almost imperceptibly. But before you could notice his reaction, he gave a soft "tch", and he quickly turned away.

The conversation lulled, so you sat together in companionable silence. As your mind wandered, your eyes drifted to the red flames in the fireplace. Perhaps strangely, you recalled how those flames had danced on Levi's pale skin while you two talked, accentuating his sharp features. He really was beautiful...

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