Swimming Lessons (Levi x Reader)

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"Wait, so none of you know how to swim?" you asked, bewildered.

All around the dinner table, the cadets shook their heads.

"It's not like we get the chance to very often," Armin reminded you.

"Well yes," you conceded, "but it's an essential skill! And if there really is a giant body of water beyond the walls, Armin, wouldn't you want to know how to swim in it?"

Armin blushed at the mention of his childhood dream, but he nodded.

"Then it's settled! All of you can meet me by the lake an hour after breakfast tomorrow, and I'll teach you."

The cadets exchanged glances, some excited, some nervous.

"Well, it's not really up to us, (f/n)," Eren said as he scratched the back of his neck. "Captain Levi usually has us train –"

"Captain Levi!" you called down to the other end of the table. "Can I borrow the cadets for a few hours tomorrow morning? They need to learn how to swim."

"Whatever," Levi consented, waving you off.

"Thanks! Oh, and you'd be more than welcome to join us!"

"No," he growled.

"Suit yourself," you hummed, returning your attention to the cadets. "If you don't have a swimsuit, make sure you wear clothes you don't mind getting wet in. I would advise against anything white."


"Now that everyone's here, there are a few rules before we get started," you announced, standing by the edge of the lake with the cadets. "First, no splashing each other, dunking each other underwater, or any other forms of roughhousing. You're all still learning, so we need to stay safe. Second, if you get any cramps, let me know immediately and get out of the water. And lastly, do not pretend to be drowning when you aren't actually in trouble. It's stupid and dangerous to fake an emergency. And if you do, I will kill you." You smiled sweetly. "Any questions?"

The cadets warily shook their heads.

"Good! In you go, then!"

You started with the basics, like floating and treading water, before moving on to actual strokes. Once the cadets had a few different forms down, you gave them the freedom to practice on their own. Then you got out of the lake, sitting under a tree to take shelter from the hot summer sun. You still watched the cadets carefully, of course, just in case.

After a while, you heard soft footsteps on the grass behind you. You looked over your shoulder to see Captain Levi, standing with his arms crossed and an annoyed expression on his face.

"Have you come to join us, Levi?" you asked. The cadets were far enough away that they wouldn't hear you address him informally.

"Tch, of course not," he replied. "I just came to get my squad back to training. They've goofed off enough today."

"Learning how to swim is important," you told him. "Plus, it's great exercise."

Levi only rolled his eyes in response.

You raised an eyebrow. "Do you know how to swim?"

Levi averted his gaze. "No."

"Then why didn't you come today?"

"I...I don't like swimming," he mumbled.

That was obviously not the real reason, but you decided not to push him on it. Instead, you simply stated, "Meet me here an hour after dinner. I'll give you a private lesson." You smirked. "Lucky you."

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