Quarantine (Levi x Sick Reader)

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Somewhere very, very far away, you heard voices. It sounded like a woman and two men, but they were muffled by the fog in your head. As you listened, their voices got steadily louder, until you could just barely hear what they were saying. However, it was still too difficult to process their words. So you only listened.

"What do you mean, she might not make it?!"

"Captain Ackerman, please calm down."

"Like hell! I want to see her!"

"I'm afraid that's not pos–"

"Get out of my way!"

"Levi, please, stop. The doctor is just doing her job."

You felt as if you were suffocating, and you had to fight for each small, shallow breath. You couldn't move your body, but it moved on its own, sweating and shivering at the same time. You had no idea what was happening to you, and that left you terrified. It all made focusing so, so difficult. But you tried anyway.

"Captain, if you go in there, you'll be exposed. The infection is highly con–"


Slowly, so slowly, you recognized that voice – only that one. So many times, it had spoken to you, yelled to you, whispered to you, growled and murmured and called to you. It had both eased you awake and lulled you to sleep. It had soothed you, laughed with you, cried with you. And it was the most precious sound you had ever heard.

"L-Levi..." you tried to call out to him, but your tongue felt too heavy, just like the rest of your body. You fought desperately against it. You wanted Levi – wanted his strong arms wrapped protectively around you. Because you knew that, no matter what was happening to you right now, it would be alright if Levi was with you. Levi would keep you safe.

"Security!" the woman yelled.

"That won't be necessary, Doctor. We're leaving. That's an order, Levi."

"Le-Le..." It was no use. Something was pulling you down, further and further away. You stopped hearing his voice. You stopped hearing or feeling anything at all.


You were going to die. And it was going to happen soon.

You were still trapped in your own body, unable to move or see. You almost couldn't breathe at all anymore, and your cold sweats had only gotten worse. The fog in your head made it impossible to think, so you only panicked.

Levi. Where was Levi? If you were going to die, you wanted him there. You wanted him to hold you. You were scared. You were alone. You didn't want to die alone.

You cried out for him in the darkness, over and over. But it was hopeless. Your screams never made it out of the void you were imprisoned in. And Levi didn't come.

You were going to die. And you were going to die alone.


"She's been asking for him." It was that woman's voice again. She still sounded muffled, as if she were on the other side of a wall. "Not consciously, I don't think, but still..."

"Please don't tell him that," a man responded. Vaguely, you registered that this was the same man from earlier. His commanding voice seemed familiar, but you couldn't place it. You were too exhausted to try. "He'll just try harder to see her. There's only so much I can do to stop him."

"But he must understand that it's for his own safety. If he enters that room, he'll be exposed to the virus as well."

"You don't understand, Doctor. He doesn't care about his own safety. Not when it comes to her."

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