Where Your Heart Truly Lies (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This is a slight AU where Levi was the one arrested at the beginning of the Uprising instead of Erwin.

Today was the day. He was going to die.

It was ironic, in a way. He had initially joined the Scouts to avoid death by a hangman's noose. But now it seemed that he had only managed to delay the inevitable.

Levi had known the government was only keeping him alive to use as bait for the Scouts that were still in hiding. He had also known that the Scouts would judge their mission to be more important than his life – as they should. It was no surprise that they hadn't come to save him.

The MP's had spent the past week beating him while he was in chains. Now, every step he took toward the gallows sent pain shooting throughout his body. His left eye was so swollen that he could barely see out of it. Still, he held his head high as he ascended the steps to the wooden platform. He did not stumble. He would not show weakness, not to these pigs. Not even at the end.

As the executioner slipped the rope around his neck, his eyes fell on a woman standing at the front of the crowd below him.

Her beautiful (h/c) hair was dyed an unremarkable shade. Her lithe body was hidden beneath a calf-length cloak. She kept her face carefully blank, but Levi knew better.

He felt bad that she was seeing him like this, and that she would soon watch him hang. However, he was also glad she was here. At least he could look at the face of someone he loved while he died.

He hoped it would be quick – that the fall would snap his neck so she didn't have to watch him suffer.

The drums rolled. The executioner's meaty hand gripped the lever. There was a creak, and Levi felt the floor drop out from under him.

At that same moment, (f/n) twisted, throwing her sword into the fallen trap door. Levi's feet hit the metal not a second later.

(F/n) hadn't come to watch him die. (F/n) had come to rescue him.

Well, damn.

By the time Levi processed this, (f/n) was already moving, taking out the guards to the right and left of the platform. She vaulted onto the wood, meeting the executioner's blade with the second one she had hidden beneath her cloak.

Chaos erupted all around him, and it was then that Levi noticed more familiar faces in the crowd. He had been so focused on (f/n) earlier that he had failed to see the other Scouts, who were now creating diversions across the square, making it impossible for MP reinforcements to reach the gallows.

(F/n) landed a kick to the executioner's stomach, sending him flying off the platform. Then she whirled, slicing her sword straight through the noose.

Levi dropped to the ground. He took the opportunity to cut his restraints on the sword that was still lodged in the trap door.

(F/n) hit the cobblestones next to him. She didn't have to tell him to follow her as she rushed across the square. The adrenaline coursing through Levi's veins momentarily dulled his pain, allowing him to move at full speed beside her.

Most of the civilians had gotten out of the way at this point, leaving more room for the MP's to maneuver. It wasn't long before (f/n) and Levi were surrounded. Everywhere they turned, their eyes were met with gun barrels.

At that moment, more than anything, Levi wished that (f/n) had left him to his fate. He had been prepared to die, but he couldn't bear to have her hanging next to him.

Behind the line of rifles pointed straight at their vital points, Commander Nile Dawk stepped up to address them. He looked almost regretful as he stated, "I really thought you were smarter than this, Captain (l/n)."

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