The Scouts' Princess (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Happy Valentine's Day! This part is longer than most, but from the feedback I've gotten, you all enjoy long stories, so I hope you don't mind. Also, thanks for 20K likes!

"I don't understand why you're bringing a cadet into your squad," Levi grumbled as he walked with Erwin to the training grounds, where the newest batch of recruits was being introduced to the forest filled with fake titans. "Isn't what we do typically too intense for a rookie?"

"We need a fifth member now that Grelle has been promoted to squad leader," Erwin explained, "and it would be better for us to take a new recruit than to pull from someone else's squad. Besides, the one I have in mind should be able to keep up."

Levi raised his eyebrows at the section commander. "And who would that be?"

"You'll see," Erwin replied with a sly smile.

Erwin and Levi weren't the only spectators present. Many of the Scouts' officers had come to watch, especially those with open spots on their squads. They had all spread out in the forest, careful to maintain a respectable distance from the training dummies so as not to get in anyone's way, but still close enough to observe. Erwin led his raven-haired subordinate to a particularly good vantage point, and they waited.

The cadets took the course one at a time. Levi thought that some weren't terrible, though most would probably be dead within a year. Usually, the top-ranked cadets went to the MP's, and of those less-skilled, the ones with any sense of self-preservation went to the Garrison. Thus, the Scouts had to deal with whatever they could get. But to be fair, even seasoned veterans sometimes had trouble outside the Walls. The missions were just that dangerous.

After about five or six cadets had passed, Erwin nudged him and murmured, "There she is."

Levi glanced in the direction that Erwin had indicated, only to see a female cadet swooping gracefully through the forest. Levi could tell immediately that there was something different about her. She clearly had an instinctive understanding of how to move with the gear, and when she slashed the nape of the training dummy, both her form and her cut were perfect.

She was there and gone in an instant, but for Levi, that instant seemed to last an eternity. He watched her with unblinking eyes, inwardly marveling at how she moved, at how she could be so elegant and yet so deadly all at once. And he couldn't deny that she was beautiful.

Like a warrior queen, he thought.

In the next second, Levi realized what had just gone through his mind, and he mentally slapped himself. After shaking his head, he resumed his observation with fresh eyes. She was good, for a cadet, but she clearly lacked experience. There – a slight hesitation that might have gotten her killed if she were facing a real abnormal.

Yet, when Levi glanced at Erwin, there was a familiar spark in those bright blue eyes. That spark was calculating, hungry. And Levi had seen it before – so many times – when the blonde man was watching him.

The rest of the cadets were unremarkable, and Levi almost felt frustrated as he observed them fumbling through the forest. Green or not, they were technically Scouts now, and he hated that they would likely die beyond the Walls. Although he would never admit it, he had begun to care for those who wore the same wings as him, even if he didn't know them well. At the end of the day, they were all bravely and selflessly fighting for the same dream – the dream that Erwin had opened Levi's eyes to.

"Well, that's that," Erwin stated when they were done. "The cadets should all be waiting at the end of the course. Shall we go say hello?"

Levi responded with a "tch" and a roll of his eyes. Erwin knew that Levi would follow him anywhere. It was meaningless to even ask at this point.

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