Dirty (Underground Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This story contains the beginnings of assault, so please don't read if that will trigger anything negative for you. 

You paid the bartender and got up to leave. You had been there for hours, pretending to get drunk while secretly eavesdropping on the conversation next to you. Thanks to your unusually keen sense of hearing, you were able to get every detail that your gang would need to rob the merchant caravan tomorrow. Now, tired and a little hungry, you could finally go home.

You made sure to sway a bit on your way out, keeping up your drunk façade. The act was essential, but unfortunately, an intoxicated woman alone at night attracted the wrong kind of attention. You were aware of this, so you remained alert, constantly watching in case anyone got too close.

Even though you were in a gang, you weren't worth much in a fight. Your skills lay in subterfuge, not brute strength or agility. Of course, Levi had taught you how to defend yourself, but there was only so much you could do. It was better to avoid fighting altogether.

Unfortunately, this wasn't your lucky night.

It started with just one of them, walking about five meters behind you on the opposite side of the street. You were almost home, so you figured you could just ignore him. But then another man appeared, and another, and another. They only left one route open to you, so that was the one you took. Soon, that route led to a dead end in a deserted alley. And you realized too late – you were being herded.

You screamed, hoping against all odds that someone would come and help you. You were close to home, so maybe there was a chance that Levi or Farlan or another member of your gang would hear you. However, your scream was quickly cut off as one of the men clapped his hand over your mouth and slammed you against a wall.

"Well, boys, look what we've got here," he chuckled. "Pretty little thing, ain't she?"

"Not much meat on her, though," another man drawled, pinching at your waist.

You squealed and kicked, trying to get away from them. However, you were no match for the brute strength of the man who was holding you. You needed a better plan.

"Aw, who cares?" the third one said. "There's still fun to be had."

You bit into the hand that was covering your mouth, trying not to think about how filthy it was. Surprised, your captor jerked back, and you started to bolt. However, two other men grabbed your arms and held you against the wall.

"Let me go!" you screamed. "I'm –"

An unforgiving hand smacked you across the face. You felt a cut open up where his ring grazed you. "That wasn't very nice, baby doll," muttered the man you had bitten. He wrapped his hand around your throat, preventing you from making any more noise. "You're gonna have to make it up to me."

Before you knew what was happening, his mouth was shoved against yours, and he wasn't being gentle about it. You tried to turn away, but he roughly grabbed your hair and yanked you back, the pain bringing tears to your eyes. You kept your lips pressed tightly together, praying that he would just stop. But he didn't.

The only man that wasn't holding you stepped forward and nudged the first man aside. "Out of the way, bro. Let me show you how it's done."

You took the brief opportunity to scream again, even though you knew it was probably hopeless. While you were doing that, the man shoved his fingers inside your mouth, holding it open. A second later, something else was inside, muffling your cries, and it took you a moment to figure out what it was. His tongue.

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