Revel (Levi x Fae Reader)

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Author's Note: Fair warning, this is a bit saucier than what I normally write, but still no lemon. Also, if anyone is curious, the song I pictured for the revel is "As One Older Brother" from Demon Slayer.

It was hard to imagine how things could get any worse.

Levi and (f/n) were sprinting through a forest, trying to escape the group of titans that was quickly closing in on them. They were out of gas, their horses had run off, and the rest of the Scouts were nowhere to be found.

"Hey," (f/n) panted, "you see that big boulder up ahead?"

"Yeah," he huffed, his eyes locking on the rock that was slightly larger than a horse.

"Take my hand, and run straight into it," she instructed.

Levi glanced at her in confusion. "Why? What are you planning?"

"Just trust me!" (f/n) yelled.

Levi nodded, placing his hand in hers without hesitation. He trusted her more than anyone, even Erwin. Otherwise, he never would have allowed himself to fall in love with her.

They ran straight at the boulder. But just when Levi thought they were going to hit it, they passed right through, as if the boulder wasn't even there.

(F/n) pulled him to a stop, gasping for air as she collapsed onto the ground. Levi opened his mouth to tell her to keep moving, but then he realized that he couldn't hear the titans anymore. And when he turned around, they weren't there.

"(F/n)," he began hesitantly, fighting to catch his breath, "what just happened?"

"We...entered Faerie," she panted.

His brow furrowed. "Faerie?" He had heard stories about the magical land and its inhabitants, but that's all they were – stories. Children's fairytales. At least, that's what Levi had thought.

Levi turned to look at (f/n), then gasped at what he saw.

She still looked like herself, but there were slight differences. Her ears ended in delicate points. Elongated canines were visible as she gasped for breath. And there was something...ethereal...about her.

"(F/n)?" he breathed. " look..."

She gazed up at him, her (e/c) eyes laced with an apology. "I'm sorry I never told you. I'm Fae."

Levi could only gape at her in shock, his mind having gone blank. "H-how?" he managed to stammer.

Ashamed, (f/n)'s eyes fell to the ground. "I was born here, in Faerie, as a princess of the realm. But I always felt the urge to go out and explore, so ten years ago, I ran away. I took human form and started a life in the Walls. Originally, I didn't intend to stay very long. But then I met you and..." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "...I decided that I never wanted to come back. I wanted to live with you, as a human. But I suppose I've ruined any chance of that now."

Levi dropped to his knees beside her, gently taking her face in his hands. When he tilted her chin up, he saw that her eyes were filled with tears. His chest tightened at the sight.

"What are you talking about?" he asked tenderly. "Do you think I won't accept you? Is that it?"

(F/n) refused to meet his gaze, and her silence was answer enough.

"Don't be ridiculous," Levi murmured, brushing teardrops from the corners of her eyes. "I don't care what you look like. You're still the same on the inside. You're still my (f/n). And I will always love you."

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