Are We Even Dating? (Boyfriend Levi x Girlfriend Reader)

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Everyone talked about how lucky you were, to be dating Humanity's Strongest Soldier. Erwin and Hanji were especially pleased, as they had been shipping the two of you for quite a long time. It seemed the only one who wasn't happy was you.

Sure, Levi had told you that he liked you. He had asked, somewhat shyly, if the two of you could be a couple. But in the months following that day, nothing really seemed all that different between you, even though you were supposed to be romantically involved. He treated you exactly the same as he had for years – as a friend, and nothing more. Sometimes, he didn't even bother to give you that much.

Of course, you didn't want to stop being his friend. You were just wishing that, occasionally, he would do something affectionate – like complimenting you, or taking you on a date, or maybe you a kiss. But he never did anything of that sort. Honestly, despite the fact that he asked to be a couple, you were doubting whether he even thought of you as his girlfriend. And that hurt, a lot.

You stewed on it for many weeks, until finally, you decided to just tell Levi how you felt.

You took a pot of tea up to his office, knowing that he would always make time for tea. Sure enough, he agreed to take a break from his stack of paperwork so that he could enjoy a cup. You sat down across from him, nervously gripping your mug in your hand, trying to work up the courage to say what was on your mind.

"Levi..." you began hesitantly, "...are"

"I thought we were," he grunted, focused less on you and more on the drink in his hand.

You almost wanted to leave, but Levi was worth a lot to you, so you pushed through your sadness and mumbled, "It's never feels like me...romantically."

"Tch. What are you talking about?" Levi muttered, finally looking up from his tea. "I told you that I liked you in that way, didn't I?"

"Well, yes...once," you conceded. "But you never said it again, and...honestly, Levi, I've been wondering if you even meant it."

"You think I lied to you?" he asked, staring at you with his typical, flat expression.

Suddenly, you felt your throat grow tight with tears. You didn't know why you had bothered hoping that he would react in a more sensitive manner, since Levi had only ever shown the emotional range of a teaspoon. Still, it hurt that he remained completely impassive while you were trying to tell him how you felt. Like the icing on the unloved cake.

And that pain made you angry.

"I don't know what to think," you snapped, standing abruptly to your feet in outrage and slamming your mug on the table. "But judging by your reaction just now, I'm inclined to believe that I was right, and that you don't love me! After all, you clearly care more about your stupid tea than you do about my feelings!"

His eyes narrowed as he stood up with you, and you felt a bitter satisfaction in your stomach. There, at last, was some sort of reaction – even if it was annoyance and frustration. "Tch. What do you expect me to do, (f/n)?" he hissed.

"You could at least act like you love me!" you replied hoarsely. "You could, I don't know, take me on a date, or hold my hand, or kiss me! But it seems like you don't even want to be around me most of the time!"

Levi looked shocked. He quickly averted his gaze, gritting his teeth as he muttered quietly, "I...don't know how."

That small admission caused your anger to deflate in an instant. "What?" you breathed.

A light blush formed on his cheeks. He still wouldn't look at you as he replied, "I...I'm sorry. I do care about you. I care a lot. I just...I don't know how to take you on a date...or hold your hand...or k-k-kiss you." He swallowed, then added so softly that you could barely hear it, "Even though I want to."

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