Promare (Burnish Levi x Burnish Reader)

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Author's note: If you haven't seen the movie "Promare", 10/10 would recommend, but you can still read the story without it. (Fun fact - the composer for "Promare", Hiroyuki Sawano, also composed the music for "Attack on Titan".)

As if titans weren't enough to deal with, now humanity had to worry about Burnish, too.

The Burnish were mutants capable of creating and manipulating fire. They were difficult to spot, because they looked just like normal humans. For all anyone knew, they were normal humans, until the day their powers manifested. Without any warning, they would spontaneously combust into multicolored flames. Afterward, they would be able to summon and control fire at will. Aside from that power, there were no indicators that a person was Burnish. They weren't linked by family history or any sort of physical trait. No one knew why this was happening, and no one knew how to stop it.

The obvious problem was that humanity couldn't have people randomly catching fire in the streets. Even after the initial combustion, their pyrokinetic ability still sparked fear in those around them, even if the Burnish did no harm with it. Thus, the Burnish were persecuted, and humans lived in a constant state of anxiety over who might catch fire next.

Many Burnish went into hiding once their powers manifested. However, some had recently formed a terrorist group known as Mad Burnish. According to all the newspapers, the organization's goal was simply to watch the world burn.

Captain Levi didn't pay much attention to it. Mad Burnish was the Military Police's problem. Titans were his.

"Do you really think it's safe to go out, Section Commander?" a quavering Nifa asked Hanji. "I mean, what if know..."

"We'll be fine," Hanji reassured her. "Plus, we'll have Levi with us, and nothing gets past him! Right, Levi?"

Levi rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

He really didn't want to go. Over the past few nights, his insomnia had been worse than usual, leaving him sleep-deprived and on-edge. The extra paperwork from Eyebrows didn't help, either. Unfortunately, Hanji wouldn't take no for an answer.

The three of them, along with a few other soldiers, spent an hour at the market without incident. Even Nifa lightened up after a while. However, Levi was only getting more annoyed. Because of the recent events, people were jumpier than usual, and Levi was growing tired of hearing them screech at the drop of a pin. The harsh noises were making his insomnia-induced headache worse.

It got to the point where Levi couldn't take it anymore. Even the usual chatter sounded like nails on a chalkboard. His head was pounding.

Then his body suddenly became very hot.

"Levi," Hanji began, noticing his distress, "is everything –"

"Mad Burnish!"

The scream cut Hanji off mid-sentence. All at once, everyone in the market began running and screaming, trying to get away before they were burned alive.

Levi barely registered their panic. All he could do was stand there, trying to hold himself together as a voice in his head whispered over and over...

"Burn burn burn burn burn burn burn burn..."

Suddenly, the air was filled with thick smoke. Someone must have set off a smoke bomb. It was impossible for Levi to see mere inches in front of his face. Out of the darkness, a black-armored hand grabbed his arm.

"If you don't want to hurt these people, come with me," a female voice hissed into his ear.

Levi managed to nod, and then they were running. After a few seconds, they made it out of the smoke. Levi didn't pay any attention to where they were going. He was too focused on containing the fire within him.

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