Conflicting Orders (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Today, we're celebrating over 15K likes! Thanks everyone! This chapter is a bit longer than what I usually write, and it will probably seem super long compared to the little blurb that was the last chapter, but I hope that doesn't diminish it for you. Bon appetit!

"You wanted to see me, Commander?" you asked as you opened the door to Erwin's office.

"Yes," he replied cordially. "Please, come in."

You shut the door behind you and saluted.

"At ease," Erwin stated. Then he gestured to the chair across from him. "Take a seat, Lieutenant."

You made your way across the room, feeling slightly nervous. You had no idea what this was about, and the messenger who summoned you hadn't known either. Of course, you had broken the rules. In fact, you were still breaking them. But you didn't think the commander knew about that. After all, you were so careful that there was no way he could possibly know. At least, you hoped that was the case.

However, Erwin's next words dashed all your hopes to dust.

"Judging by your behavior, I'd wager that you and your captain have been dating for five months. Is that correct?"

Your blood ran cold. "I...I don't...I can't answer that, sir," you mumbled, your voice barely audible.

You would be in even worse trouble if you lied to the commander. However, even now, you couldn't bring yourself to tell the truth, not wanting to provide any further evidence against yourself or Levi. The two of you had known that your relationship was against the military's rules, especially since you were Levi's subordinate. However, your love for each other was too great to ignore, and thus, you had decided to try anyway.

Unfortunately, it seemed that there was no getting past the commander, and you felt sick as you contemplated what would likely be your punishment. Levi was too valuable to be kicked out of the military, but he could still be demoted. Meanwhile, you would almost certainly get a dishonorable discharge, since you weren't worth bending the rules for.

"Don't worry," Erwin said reassuringly. "I'm not going to punish either one of you. On the contrary, I'm actually quite glad that you two are together."

Your breath caught in surprise. "Sir?"

Erwin folded his hands thoughtfully. "I can tell that you're good for him. Over the past few months, he's been...looking less worn-out. His state seems to improve even more whenever you're in the room. And I want that for him – as a friend, yes, but also as his commander. If Levi is well-rested and alert, the Scouts' chances of success will only increase. Therefore, it behooves us for you to be with him. I've never seen anyone else have nearly the same effect. In fact, I wouldn't just say that you're good for him – I would say that he needs you. Very much."

You stared at the commander in shock. "I...don't know what to say."

Erwin gave you a small smile. "That's alright," he stated. After a moment, he added in a softer voice, "I know I probably don't have to ask, but would you please keep an eye on him? To be frank, I worry for him sometimes, and in all the years I've known him, you're the only person he has ever allowed to get close."

"Of course," you murmured seriously. "I'll take care of him, sir."

Erwin sighed in relief. "Thank you. Also...I'm sorry to give you more conflicting orders. I know I always say that soldiers should lay down their lives if necessary. However, if Levi lost you..." Erwin took a deep breath. "...I don't know what that would do to him. And I can't take that chance. He's too important – to the Scouts and humanity. So I have to ask you to prioritize your own life, both over the success of missions, and over the lives of anyone except Levi. Can you do that?"

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