The L Word (Boyfriend Levi x Girlfriend Reader)

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You hummed happily as you stood in front of the kitchen counter, fixing a cup of tea for your boyfriend. Life had been so cruel – was still so cruel – to both of you, that even after six months of dating, you were awed that you had this chance to find love. Thus, you didn't take a single moment for granted. Even now, just making tea while thinking of him had your heart all aflutter.


That's right, your comrade-turned-best-friend-turned-boyfriend was none other than Humanity's Strongest Soldier, Captain Levi. Of course, to you, he wasn't the cold and invulnerable mask that he showed the rest of the world. He was impressive, certainly – but also human. Just like everyone else, he had his quirks, his fears, his dreams, and you were one of the select few who was ever given the opportunity to see them. You were also the only one who got to see his uncharacteristic and adorable shyness whenever he was confronted with the foreign concept of romance – but more on that later.

Unfortunately, because of his strength and stoicism, people assumed that Levi could handle more than anyone else. That assumption – which was sometimes true, but not always – led people to put too much on his shoulders. And because Levi was the strongest, because he had to be strong for everyone else, he never told them to stop, even when he was overworked and exhausted.

Things had only gotten worse after titan-boy Eren arrived. Now, both Erwin and Hanji were running Levi ragged, giving him extra paperwork and experimental sessions when his schedule was already full of training and strategy meetings. You could tell that he was sleeping even less than his usual two-to-three hours per night, and the time that he normally spent relaxing or decompressing was instead spent trying to keep up with all the additional tasks.

You hated to see Levi in such a state, and so you were determined to help him however you could. This included assisting with paperwork, cleaning, the occasional shoulder massage, and – right now – making black tea just the way he liked it.

You poured the steaming beverage into a delicate cup and headed upstairs to Levi's office. While balancing the cup and saucer in one hand, you knocked on the door before pushing it open. "Levi, I brought tea," you announced with a smile.

He looked terrible. Still stunning, of course – his trademark cleanliness, chiseled muscle, and general beauty were ever-present. However, his typically alert eyes were laced with exhaustion, and they were accented by deep, dark bags. Those eyes took much longer than usual to drag themselves away from the paperwork and settle on your lithe form.

You couldn't believe that no one else had noticed – noticed, and stopped piling so much work on him. However, Levi excelled at acting like nothing was wrong, and you didn't doubt that you were the only person who was allowed to see how truly drained he was.

Your smile turned comforting as you crossed the room and placed the saucer on his desk. "Here," you murmured, reaching up to brush your fingers through his silky black hair.

Levi abandoned the paperwork for a moment and turned his attention to the tea. He grasped the cup in his unique way and lifted it to his face, pausing to inhale the pleasant aroma. As he breathed deeply, he closed his eyes, in order to better appreciate his other senses. Then he took a long, well-savored sip.

He pulled the cup just far enough away to allow a contented sigh to escape his lips. And with that sigh came three little words that had you doing a double-take. "I love you."

A second later, Levi's eyes flew open, and his body went rigid as a deep blush filled his cheeks. He was so shocked at his own boldness that he nearly dropped that precious teacup. "I...I" he stammered.

Now, to anyone else, those three little words might not seem like a big deal, considering that the two of you had been dating for six months. And indeed, you had said those exact words to him on a few separate occasions.

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