Her Butler, the Grumpy (Demon Butler Levi x Countess Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! An earlier version of this story said the reader was sixteen, in keeping with the Black Butler setting and time period. However, I realize things are different for us today, and I don't want to get dicey with the minority/majority line, especially since Levi is a God-knows-how-old demon. So I've changed the reader's age to eighteen, which is legal majority in most countries currently. I don't condone adults dating minors, and I don't want to write anything that could even be remotely taken as an adult-minor relationship, so here we are. I fixed it. :)

"Think carefully, brat. Should you reject the Faith, even this once, the gates of Paradise will forever be out of your reach."

"Do you think," you bit out, "one who is among the Faithful would ever go so far as to summon someone like you?"

The demon scoffed – the sound strangely alluring. "I'll ask but once more. Do you wish to form a contract with me?"

"I do! Now, stop asking these tedious questions and let me know if we have a deal!"


Ever since that day, Levi had been your faithful butler. You were still a girl when you sealed the contract with him – his service in exchange for your soul. However, young as you were, you were not naïve.

You were the new Countess (l/n) – the title being passed down to you after your parents met their untimely end. On the surface, you were a noblewoman like any other. Secretly, you were also the queen's dog, for lack of a better term. You eliminated any threat to the royal family, dirtying your hands so that they didn't have to. While the police adhered to the law and worked in the light, you worked in the darkness.

That was why you needed Levi. A young girl couldn't combat the kingdom's worst criminals on her own. Neither could you find your parents' killers and avenge their deaths. For that, you needed some supernatural assistance.

Of course, no one could know that you had a demon in your employ. Thus, Levi played the part of your butler. He did so well. His cleaning was impeccable, and he completed every task perfectly. The only issues with his façade were that he never smiled and that he sometimes spoke rudely – though thankfully, he saved the latter for when you were alone. You could have ordered him to stop, of course, since the contract demanded that Levi obey your every command. However, you didn't see a real need for it. You didn't want to be that controlling.

Now, you were eighteen – a woman by society's standards. Yet, Levi still dressed you, still helped you bathe, still tucked you into bed at night. You spent more time alone with him than anyone else. Of course, no one batted an eye. He was only a servant, after all.

More than anyone, you should have been indifferent to it. However, recently, you had started to feel uncomfortable. Not because of anything Levi did – he was as stoic as ever. You, on the other hand, were starting to get butterflies in your stomach whenever Levi was around.

You told yourself that you were being ridiculous. Levi was a demon – one you had sold your soul to, nonetheless. He would never love you. And you certainly weren't in love with him. Absolutely, positively, not in love with him. You were just...a little overworked. Yes, that was it. The stress was making you imagine things.


Levi made sure you were securely tucked into bed, just like he did every night. Your eyes followed him as he did so, and although you knew better, you couldn't help thinking about how human he looked.

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