Torn (Levi x Pregnant Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! This story is "Resolve" told from Levi's point of view. Although it's not necessary to read "Resolve" in order to understand this one, I would still recommend it (if I do say so myself). 

After slashing through the napes of nine titans, Levi finally got a chance to breathe. Despite his exhaustion, he usually managed to stay focused and ready whenever he was on a mission. However, as he landed on a rooftop and looked out over the town, his eyes became glassy, and his mind drifted.

"Captain?" Petra questioned from her place at his side. "Is everything alright? You aren't hurt, are you?"

"I'm fine," Levi replied, his response brief but not unkind. Even though he was forced to play the role of the invulnerable captain, in truth, he had a soft spot for his subordinates. He didn't mind so much when they asked after his welfare, especially given that hardly anyone else ever cared to.

Petra shifted on her feet before muttering softly, "It's seem a little distracted, sir."

Levi scolded himself internally for not keeping a better leash on his demeanor. Because she was right – he was distracted. He had been throughout this entire mission. However, he couldn't afford to show it. Like it or not (and he didn't), people's eyes were constantly watching Humanity's Strongest Soldier. If he appeared ill-attentive or distraught, that would lower everyone's morale.

Normally, it was easy for Levi to keep his focus fully on the task at hand. It was still easy – when he had titans to fight. But in moments like this one, when he had a short break...

"I can't go," he stated. "Not when you're like this. I'll...I mean...I could ask..."

"Levi, we both know that you're going on that mission," his wife replied gently as she stood before him in the darkened, private hallway – her belly swollen with child. "As much as I hate for you to be in danger, you'd beat yourself up over not being there to fight alongside your comrades."

"But I'm supposed to support you too, aren't I?" he asked, his brow furrowing with something like desperation as he was caught in an impossible choice. He reached out to brush his fingers through her hair, to cup her cheek – his touch tentative and reverent, as if she were a precious dream that might disappear at any moment. "You're almost nine months pregnant. What if the...I mean, what if you go into labor while I'm gone?"

(F/n) suppressed a giggle at his continued inability to say the word baby. Instead, she rubbed her cheek into his palm, conveying how much she cherished his touch. "Shh. Sweetheart, I honestly believe that it'll wait until you get back," she assured him. "But even if it doesn't, everything will be fine. I'm a doctor who works in a hospital with a lot of other doctors. We've got this. Besides, all my prior checkups indicated that I won't have any complications."

Levi still looked wary.

Her smile softened. She reached up to take his hand, moving it from her cheek to her womb, guiding him to feel the miracle they had created together. "Don't worry, my love," she spoke tenderly. "Go, do what you have to. We'll both be here when you get back."

He eased into the contact – cherishing the warmth of her hand atop his, as well as the feeling of her swollen belly beneath his palm. In a minute, he would have to tuck all his emotions away as he joined the ranks of soldiers ready to venture outside the Walls. But for now, he allowed those feelings to appear plainly on his face, knowing that he had nothing to hide from his life partner.

"I love much..." he croaked, his eyes conveying his profound need for her to always be there, his wish that they could somehow find an impossible happy ending.

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