Feast (Levi x Insane Reader)

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Author's Note: This story was inspired by AmaLee's cover of "Voracity". Any "Overlord" fans in the house?

"Levi! Help me!"

"What's the meaning of this?" Levi barked, rushing over to (f/n). She was kneeling on the ground, hands and feet bound, with a group of soldiers surrounding her.

"Captain, don't!" someone shouted.

Levi ignored them, kneeling in front of (f/n) and cupping her face in his hands. Her (e/c) eyes were pleading with him.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.

She nodded, giving him a sweet smile. Then she lunged forward and bit him.


"It doesn't happen often, but still more than we care to admit," Erwin stated solemnly.

"What happens?" Levi snapped, his neck still throbbing from the bite wound he had received earlier. "What's wrong with (f/n)?"

"She watched her sister get eaten alive," Hanji explained quietly. "It was too much for her mind to take. So, in order to cope, she..." Hanji swallowed. "It seems that she thinks humans are food. And she wants to eat them."

Something between numbness and horror filled Levi's veins. "So how do we fix her?" he asked.

Hanji shook her head.

Levi froze, and a heavy silence descended upon the commander's office. For a long moment, the three of them neither moved nor spoke.

At last, Levi managed to mutter, "Will you at least keep her here? If the MP's took her..."

Erwin nodded. "Yes, (f/n) can stay here. We will have to lock her in the dungeon, under constant guard. But you're right. I don't like the thought of what the MP's would do with her."


The woman in the cell looked like (f/n). She moved like (f/n). She sounded like (f/n). But there was something in her eyes – a sinful hunger that didn't belong to the woman he knew.

"Has my darling husband finally come to visit me?" she cooed through the iron bars.

Levi had sent the guards away so he could talk to (f/n) alone. He didn't know what he could do, but he had to see if the woman he loved was still in there. He had to try to get her back, somehow...

"You are very, very like a berry. Ripe and red and ready to eat," she sang, pulling him from his thoughts.

Levi tried to keep the pain from his face. "Do you want to eat me?" he asked.

"Oh, yes," she replied in a seductive voice, looking him up and down. "You would be absolutely delicious."

He didn't know which was worse – the chill her words brought to his spine, or the heat her tone brought to his cheeks. "Why the sudden change in appetite?" he muttered. "You never wanted to eat humans before."

She hummed. "There's a first time for everything."

"But you're human," he reminded her.

(F/n) froze. Then blinked once.

"Oh, you're right," she mused. Slowly, she lifted her arm, twisting it this way and that while she examined it. All of a sudden, she bit into her own flesh.

"Stop!" Levi screamed, rushing to the bars and grabbing her arm through them.

"Got you!" (f/n) chimed as her nails dug into his skin. Fast as a snake, she released her own arm and tried to take a bite out of his.

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