Just Another Day (Husband Levi x Wife Reader)

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Author's note: Wow, I cannot believe that this book already has over 10K reads! As a thank-you present, please enjoy this little blurb featuring you and Levi. 

"Is that you, love?" you called from the kitchen after hearing the front door open and close.

"It's me," Levi grumbled as he removed his boots.

He stepped further into the house, only to do a double-take. It was so...clean. Every surface was sparkling, and there wasn't a speck of dirt or dust anywhere. Of course, being that it was his house, it was always spotless. But this cleaning was fresh, and it must have taken you all day to cover the whole place by yourself.

You stepped out of the kitchen, a divine smell trailing in your wake. "Welcome home, Levi!" you chimed.

Levi grunted in acknowledgement, still a little shocked by the state of your house. "(F/n)," he muttered, "did you clean all this by yourself?"

"Mhm," you hummed.

Levi looked at you with a mixture of surprise and appreciation. "This was your first day off in a month, and you spent it cleaning the house?"

You looked away sheepishly. "Yeah, well, you've also been busy at work, and I know how much you like for things to be clean, so..." You shrugged.

Before you knew what was happening, Levi pulled you into a tight hug and buried his face in your chest. "Marry me, (f/n)."

You laughed and returned his embrace. "We're already married, Levi."

Levi looked up at you. "Then don't ever leave me," he demanded.

You kept laughing as you patted his head. "Okay, okay. Now, come on. Dinner is ready."

You two enjoyed a delicious dinner of Levi's favorite foods. Afterwards, Levi offered to do the dishes so you could finally relax a bit.

You curled up on the couch with your favorite book. A few minutes later, Levi sat down next to you and put your feet in his lap.

"What are you doing?" you asked with a smile as he began to rub your feet.

"You've been working hard, brat," Levi muttered. "You deserve a bit of pampering."

You tried to hold back a snicker as Levi's nimble fingers brushed over a ticklish spot. "If this is my reward, maybe I should clean the house more often."

"One can never clean too much, " Levi replied flatly. "Now, read your book."

You giggled. "Yes, sir."

When it was time for bed, you curled up in Levi's arms under the warm blankets. You breathed deeply, inhaling his familiar scent of black tea and clean breezes. "I love you Levi," you mumbled into his muscular chest.

"I love you too, brat," he murmured, pressing a kiss to your hair.

You smiled, letting the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lull you to sleep in his arms. It was the end of another typical day spent with your husband, and like all the others, it had been perfect.

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