The First of Many (Sad Levi x Reader)

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"This one shot Sasha before we could catch her," Jean explained solemnly. "I...don't think she's gonna make it."

Mikasa gasped softly. Then, she and Armin were running out the door, running to their dying friend. However, they weren't the ones who drew your focus. In fact, even your own sadness at this tragedy took a backseat to the person you were watching now.

Levi's reaction was barely perceptible. As soon as those horrible words were uttered, his eyes widened just a fraction, and that was all. Yet, it was enough to break your heart.

You knew him well enough by now to understand that he wasn't the cold, callous machine most people thought he was – far from it. In fact, the argument could be made that he cared more deeply than anyone. It was his response that gave people the wrong idea, because rather than crying like Mikasa and Armin, or shouting in anger like Jean was doing now, he withdrew inside himself. He shoved his emotions down, down, down – because that was how he had survived these endless years of bloodshed and loss. That was how he kept himself from breaking.

You wanted to go to him – to cross this small space inside the airship and wrap him in your arms, to hold him together so he could fall apart in whatever way he needed. But you couldn't. There were too many watchful eyes here, and too many people who still seemed like enemies, regardless of what they claimed. For Levi's own sake, you couldn't expose his vulnerabilities now. You had to let him convince them that he was invincible, so they would think twice before picking a fight – even if the mask that protected him was also crushing his heart.

So you waited.

You knew that once this airship landed, there would be no chance to find time alone with Levi. He would have to escort Zeke to the holding area right away, and then you probably wouldn't be able to see him again until Historia was in a stable-enough condition to take the Beast Titan. But he didn't deserve to deal with this on his own for so long.

Once things calmed down – once Connie announced Sasha's death, and the arguments faded into silence – you exited the room, making sure to brush your fingers across Levi's hand as you passed. The gesture was subtle enough that no one else would notice, but Levi certainly felt it, and he knew exactly what it meant. You two had been using these secret signals for years.

Wait five minutes, then follow.


Right on schedule, you heard the unavoidable creak of the door as Levi arrived in the darkened cargo hold. You waited for him in plain sight, having already checked behind every rack and crate to ensure no one else was down here. And given that the only way in was that single, noisy door, you would have plenty of time to react if someone did happen to venture this way.

"What's so important that you had to drag me down here?" Levi grumbled, still wearing his emotionless mask.

Gingerly, you stepped forward, with a soft expression and even softer eyes. You reached out and entwined your fingers with his, one by one, before gently guiding him to the back of the cargo hold. There, you pulled him behind a tall stack of crates that would hide you two from the door, in the unlikely event that it did open. And at long last, you folded him into your arms, hugging him tight so he could feel your support.

"I'm sorry, love," you whispered, placing a tender kiss on his cheek.

Levi's body tensed, the remnants of his defensive instincts trying desperately to hold everything in. Yet, after a moment, even that last wall was gently lifted away by your love. It had taken many years, but Levi's body was finally starting to recognize that it was safe here, in the warm cocoon of your embrace, with no prying eyes to see the heart he so carefully hid from the world.

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