Snowed In (Levi x Cold Reader)

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Winter had come early this year, but Commander Erwin still scheduled one last expedition before the snows forced the Scouts to stay inside until spring. It was bitterly cold, and all the soldiers complained about being required to ride and fight in such weather. However, the commander deemed it necessary, so out you went.

Aside from the chill, the weather wasn't too terrible for the first few days. Then, on your fourth day outside the Walls, a massive blizzard came out of nowhere. The regiment didn't even have time to react, and so you were still spread out in the long-range scouting formation, unable to find your comrades.

"Can anyone hear me?" you yelled into the storm, barely able to see five feet in front of you. You had slowed down immensely, unable to keep riding at top speed through the blur of white that surrounded you. And worse, the sky was growing darker, meaning that the sun was going down. It was about to get a lot colder. "Hello?" you tried again, clutching your cloak tightly around you.

"(F/n)?" a voice carried faintly on the wind.

Your energy sparked upon hearing another human being. "Yes! I'm here!" you yelled with all your might.

After a few moments of squinting into the storm, a rider came into your field of vision. As he approached, you recognized him as your captain, Levi.

"Captain," you chimed. "I'm so glad to see you!"

"Likewise," he replied. "Have you found anyone else?"

You shook your head. "Have you?"

"No. Honestly, as bad as this storm is, I'm lucky to have even found you." He looked around for a moment. "And it's only getting worse. We should take cover and wait it out."

"But...where?" you asked, genuinely confused. It was impossible to see anything in this weather, and the odds of you blindly stumbling upon shelter were slim to none.

"I passed an old barn right before I heard you yelling. It's pretty run-down, but it's better than nothing."

"Lead the way," you muttered, your teeth beginning to chatter.


Wind whistled through the cracks in the wooden walls, but Levi was right – it was better than nothing. After tying up your horses in separate stalls, you and Levi had claimed a third stall for yourselves. Except for some dust and bits of old hay, it was relatively clean, thank God. However, despite the shelter it provided from the snow, the barn was still freezing.

"D-do you think the o-others will b-be okay?" you asked as you curled up against Levi, shivering uncontrollably.

"They've been trained for situations like this. We just have to trust that they'll survive. We can't do anything else until the storm clears up."

You nodded, snuggling further into him. Despite the warmth he provided, you were still freezing.

Levi noticed and unbuttoned his cloak. "Come here," he murmured.

You slipped your arms under his cloak, under his jacket, and wrapped them around his torso. You then buried your face in his shoulder, trying to get some warmth back into your nose and cheeks. Levi closed the cloak around you, pressing you gently into him.

"At least I have an excuse to cuddle with you," you smirked into his shirt.


"Don't act like you don't like it."

"Fine, fine," he mumbled. "Brat."

You only laughed.

Like you, Levi's face was flushed, and goosebumps peppered his skin. However, he seemed to be handling the cold a lot better than you were. "You okay?" he asked softly.

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